Chap 16| Making a mess

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"Hurry" Katsuki whines, hands wrapped around a stumbling Izuku trying to take off his shoe. As soon as the other walked through the door, the blonde's hands were magnetized towards the other.

Izuku lets out a giggle as he gets back to kissing Katsuki everywhere in front of him. He rarely sees him so desperate like this, and it's usually for completely different reasons. This was exhilarating to see, he was getting really turned on. "Impatient huh" Izuku teases out with a sloppy smirk, mouth moving up to Katsuki's neck at the same time, that they were backing up towards the living room.

"Shut up~ don't act like you're not just as excited" Katsuki lets out in a whisper near the freckled one's ear. He slowly caressed the other's erection with his free hand, and his other hand had fingers through green curls. Izuku's breath trembles, sighing out at the touch. "Ah~ Kacchan... You don't know the half of it" he moans out. Katsuki huffs out a giggle, "I can take a couple of pretty good guesses- so f*cking obvious" he says with an emphasis to his words by stroking the other through his pants slower. A lingering smirk on the blonde's face, back finally hitting the sofa, making them both slow down.

"Who'll be the top?" Katsuki lets out, breaking the kiss. "I usually bottom, but you're such a bottom, nerd," he says, making Izuku completely turn red at the first question that he was half listening to.

"M-me... I'm bigger" the green-haired one managed out not breaking eye contact as his green eyes, showed determination. "Yeah okay sure, by like a few centimetres right?" Katsuki says with an amusing tone. Izuku shakes his head no with a suddenly shy look in his eyes. "I'm way bigger than that..." he mutters out, causing Katsuki to frown.

The blonde finally lays himself down on the sofa, back-sided, his elbows propelling him up. Izuku stands in front of him looking not too sure what to do. "Oh yeah? Take your pants off right now" Katsuki orders with a serious tone, as he moves as well to unbutton his own pants. Izuku wasted no time to get his pants down to his ankles and stepping out of them, his excitement was released from his boxers seconds later as he pulled them down too. As he had done his part, a small feeling of disappointment breezed through him as the green-haired one realized that he had missed seeing Kacchan remove his own garments.

But that quickly faded when he noticed the red-eyed one looking over him with a noticeable excitement in his eyes. "Come closer so that we can measure probably" Katsuki utters after an affective pause of silence. Izuku's heart pounds in his chest with enthusiasm as he slowly climbs the sofa. His left knee is in between Katsuki's legs and his right knee touching the the back of the sofa on the outside of Katsuki's left leg. Izuku leaned down, face close to the blonde and his hands rested beside the other's head.

"Don't look at me like that..." Katsuki lets out barely above a whisper. Izuku simply smiles at this before following red eyes down to their hard c*cks facing each other. They let out a trembling breath when they finally put them side by side.

"Alright, let's- ah~" Katsuki moans out, hips bucking without permission, as Izuku begins to move his hips right away. It was slow movements, barely noticing that he was doing them, their d*cks would pass and glide upon each other teasingly at it. "Don't move~" the blonde speaks out, one hand coming up to the other's hip and his other hand rests near the corner of his mouth just in case he makes another involuntary sound. Izuku looked up at the blonde who was staring down, he now noticed that he was indeed moving his hips, barely but surely moving them. "Sorry, I can't help it... ah~" Izuku tries to say, the weak hand on his hips not stopping a thing of movement, "I'm serious" Katsuki responds with a soft tone.

Katsuki watches the movements that slightly glazed his hard c*ck, staring decisively. The hand that was on Izuku's hips starts to reach in between them. "Ahh~ what are you?" Izuku starts to say, but his mouth hangs out while his thoughts trail off. Katsuki had his pale hands now wrapped around both of the members, eyes glazed with something fierce. He gulps, "This is because you're not holding still... let's measure now" he mumbles out, but neither of them could bother on lingering to those words, while they hold eye contact. "So you're gonna hold me still?" Izuku asks softly, "mhm" Katsuki responds with a purr, tension thickening up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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