Chap11| Wanting more

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Izuku and Katsuki were sitting on the roof of a building eating from their bento lunch box. This week of trying to go back to their old routine before the whole blood donner situation happened made them really think about things. Think about things they'd usually hide in the back of their minds, things they'd never thought were thinkable.

However, it's only now that a new light has decided to shine upon the freckled one. The next day after that night when Katsuki had gone out, Izuku did something, to him that seemed like the unthinkable. He had gotten the courage to ask for another kiss from the blonde.

//knocking on a door located down the hall, Izuku stood in front of it while holding a glass of water and a pill bottle of a painkiller medicine. He waits with patients after the first few knocks.

"Comein~" a low voice grumbles out from behind the door. With a bit of hesitation, the freckled one gathered the courage he built up earlier this morning, to open the door and walk into Katsuki's bedroom.

It was neater than his, that was no surprise to him. There were papers scattered on his desk here and there, but other than that, everything else seemed to have a place of their own.

Looking at the bed, the bedsheets were hiding the full picture and a glimpse of warm ivory skin seemed to shine with the gentle ray of light in the early morning sun. Izuku closes his noticeable agape mouth as he stops in the middle of the room in front of the other's wide bed.

"What do want?" The blonde mumbles, shifting till he sits up straight on his bed. "O-oh, it's just that you missed your alarm twice- anyways,  I got you some painkillers for your hangover." He lets out quickly, stretching his arms out towards the other. "M'not hungover," he says, having his eyes barely open, "alright then... guess I'll put these back-" "Wait!" Katsuki interrupts Izuku, getting up and out of his bed to snatch the cup of water. He took the pill and swallowed it down with the tall glass of water.

"Did you get like this because of what happened last night?" Izuku asked, after standing there waiting for Katsuki to finish his water. The blonde removed his lips from the cup, and they stood there for a bit until Katsuki finally looked away from piercing eyes. "Only caught me off guard a bit... we've never done anything like that" 'What does this mean for us?' Katsuki responds, abruptly thinking about the last part. "Way less intimate than you sucking on my neck every two weeks" 'No it wasn't, it was more-' he continued.

Izuku walked closer, and from the look on his face, the blonde could tell that he wasn't buying that response. "Then you wouldn't mind doing it again right?" He enunciates with an odd tone. "My coffee stopped working a while back, and the k-kissing seemed to help" he quickly adds, before starting to ramble until he lost track of what he was rambling about.

Before Izuku knew it, their lips were attached gently. Izuku, not knowing what to do with his hands, grabs onto the other's hips, squeezing it tightly. Katsuki let out a sound from that, hands on the other's shoulder's as they kissed slowly at a calm pace, before finally breaking it.

"Looks like you want to leave marks not only on my neck, but on other parts of me too huh" the blond says in a teasing manner, "yes.." Izuku responds without a second thought, realizing this made him glow red. Katsuki's eyes widened and a pink flustered hue blossomed on his cheeks while trying to find his words. Unfortunately, all the blond could let out was a bit too loud of a laugh.

That's when Izuku froze. Heart pounding in his ribcage and what seemed to be time or everything else slowed down significantly until it stopped. What he felt towards Katsuki, his Kacchan wasn't the thing he kept tricking his mind into feeling. His heart could no longer keep quiet, but... it will have to. Realizing how he felt was like a huge kick to the guts. Why now? Why ever? He can't let this ruin them, his feelings that is. He'd rather spend the rest of his life hiding this fact than lose Katsuki forever, that risk is too big, too dangerous, especially for his fragile heart.

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