meet (1050 words)

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Omg it's Kyle fucking Broflovski

Kyle's pov

At school, I never liked it. I got bullied really badly because of my hair. They made fun of the red colour. It really bothered me. It was always messy. I had something to hide it well it didn't do much, but it still did something. I got a hat. A green one.

I still got bullied, and they stole my hat a lot. I got really insecure. But there was 1 boy who bullied me the most. I don't remember what his name is cause he moved when I was 13. I kinda remember how he looked like. He also had a hat. It was red and blue. He had messy greasy black hair. He bullied me a lot.

He did it with another boy named Eric Cartman. I hated him. He made fun of me being Jewish, me being ginger and of my acne. I always had bad acne. It got better. I still have it a bit now.

I still made a few friends that I loved, and they always stood up for me. Their named are: Kenny, Butters, Tweek, and Clyde. I love them.

I'm happy I'm finally going to college. I hated this school. I'm going to art college. I always loved art. Whenever I was stressed, sad, or angry, I painted or drew something.

Honestly, when I applied, I thought that I'll never get in cause I couldn't even draw or paint well.

My friends also applied to the same school. Kenny and Butters love art as much as I do. Clyde applied cause he's really creative with making things. Tweek applied cause his boyfriend Craig really wanted to go to art school cause he can draw really well. Honestly, I have no idea how Tweek got in, and I don't want to know either.

I finished packing, and I said my family goodbye and texted my friends.


Me: Im going now I'll see you guyd ag college

Kenny: k see ya they're

Clyde: k

Butters: k. Ken we still going together

Kenny: ye

My parents don't allow me to drive a car. They care too much about me and don't want me to get in an accident. It's stupid, I know. I just need to get to denver with a subway. I started walking to the subway. I sat down in a seat. I hoped I'll just sit by my own the whole ride there. It isn't a long ride it's only like 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I was in my own thoughts when I saw someone sitting beside me. I signed and looked over at that person. I saw it was a person. He looked a bit familiar, but I didn't know from what. I looked at his bag and suitcase he had with him. And saw a tag on it. It said: Denver Art College. I gasped. That's the college I'm going to. I looked over at him, and he had the most beautiful bright smile you could ever imagine.

I smiled back at him. "Hi." He said to me. "Hi." I said back. It got silent for a second or 5. "Are you going to the Denver Art College?" I asked him. He looked down at his suitcase. "Yeah, I am!" He said while he blushed a bit.

"Same!" I said. His eyes grew wider, and his jaw dropped. "That's so cool!" He said.

I smiled. "I really like your hair it looks so cool. Why are you hiding it with your hat?" He asked me. "I got bullied really badly because of it. There was one boy, especially that bullied me really badly because of it." I told him.

"I'm sorry that happened. Anyway, I never said my name. I'm Stan, Stanley Marsh." Stan said. That name sounded more familiar than his looks.

"I'm Kyle, Kyle Broflovski." I said with a smile.

He smiled at me and blushed more.

I think I'm going to really like him.

Stan's pov

I'm a really messy person. I was supposed to wake up at 7 to get ready to go to art college. Woke up at 8 in the goddammit morning. I had 30 minutes left to make it to the subway.

*time skip cause I'm lazy asf*

The subway was filled with people when I got on it. I saw one seat left next to one other person. I saw beside that person and looked over at him for a second. It was a boy, and he looked really familiar.
I couldn't really see his face.

He looked over at me. I smiled, and he smiled back at me. I saw his face good now. Holy fucking shit. It can't be. His ginger curls, and his freckles sprinkled all over his face. His hooked nose. Omg it's Kyle fucking Broflovski.

It can't be it's just a copy of him. "Hi." I said to him. Maybe saying hi is nice, then I'll know if it's really him. "Hi." He said back. It's not really the same voice, but I quess puberty hit hard. I looked down at my feet. It got silent for 5 seconds. "Are you going to Denver Art College?" He asked me. I looked down and started blush a little bit. Why am I blushing? "Yeah, I am!" I told him. He smiled. "Same!" He said to me. My eyes grew wider, and my jaw dropped. Dammit, if it's really Kyle the we'll be going to the same school.

"That's so cool." I told him. I smiled. "I really like your hair. Why are you hiding it with a hat?" I asked him. I didn't lie. I always liked his hair. I just bullied him to become my popular. But maybe it really isn't him. There's still a chance.

"I got bullied really badly because of it. There was one boy, especially that bullied me really badly because of it." He told me. He's talking about me. I was the boy. Dammit i really hurt him.

"I'm sorry that happened. Anyway, I never said my name. I'm Stan, Stanley Marsh." I told him. He now knows my name. He probably still hates me.

"I'm Kyle, Kyle Broflovski." He told me with a smile. Dammit it really is him.

I smiled at him and blushed more

I think that he doesn't remember what I did to him, no I hope so.

First chapter. I really like it. I feel like it's better than my other fanfics. Remember, English is not my first language. 

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