16 (1396 words)

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Now I told him everything. Everything that I've been stuck with since I was 15.

Stan looked me deep in the eyes. Oh god how much I actually love him. And his gorgeous blue eyes that shine in the light.

"Kyle, can you do me a favour?" He asked me. I nodded. "Can you please eat like an apple for me? You need to eat something you just fainted from not having enough food." Stan told me. I do have to eat something but I really don't want to. But I'll do it for Stan.

"Okay. But can we eat it like somewhere private?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "Ofcource!" He said ruffeling my hair. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I actually really love him.

We walked out the music room and walked to the elavator. Stan pressed on the '0' button and the doors closed. It was quiet in the elavator but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence so it was fine.

We saw the doors open and walked to the cafeteria. It wasn't crowded in the cafeteria even though it was like 6pm.

Stan picked an apple and payed for it. He gave it to me smiling brightly.

"Thank you Stan. But you really didn't have to pay for it." I laughed. He laughed too. "It's fine Kyle really." He smiled. "But you already payed for my lunch which I litteraly threw all up." I told him. He looked down. "Kyle really It's fine you don't have to worry about having to pay me back." He told me. I nodded.


We walked in the room and Kenny and Butters were gone. "They're probably out for dinner cause it's friday." Stan told me. "Yeah you're probably right.

I looked at the apple. Counting all the spots that look disgusting on the apple. 2 spots. "Is it washed?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I'm going to wash it first." I told him standing up.

Stan stood up too following me. "Stan you really don't have to follow me everywhere I go." I laughed. "I'm sorry. I just want to make sure that you're okay." Stan told me. I looked at my feet. I started feeling dizzy again.

"Stan. Can you uhm maybe wash it and maybe cut it. I feel really dizzy again." I told him. "Sure!" He told me smiling and started walking to Kenny's desk. Kenny always keeps a knife with him. No one knows why. He just does.

I sat on my bed.

When Stan was finished cutting and washing he put it in a bowl.

"Here." He told me smiling. "Thank you." I told him.

I looked at the apple. My mind was  blowing me up. But I still put an apple slice in my mouth. Stan looked proud at me while I ate more. Guilt started to rise in me but I still ate.

Stan looked so cute and proud. I just want to kiss him and tell him how much I love him. But I just know that he doesn't love me back. He just doesn't. I know he likes a boy but it can't be me. I'm too ugly and insecure for him. I'm way out of his league.

"Kyle I cannot explain to you how proud I am of you." He told me while he hugged me. I felt tears forming in my eyes. My stomach started filling with butterflies.

Oh how much I love him.


*time skip 31st of October. Still Kyle's pov*


Today it's Halloween. The day where everyone dresses up and parties like crazy - or they trick or treat , obviously -.

When I was a kid I enjoyed the trick or treating so much. Ofcource later I stopped trick or treating and I'd mainly just go to parties.

But the last time I actually went to a Halloween party was in 9th grade. In 10th to 12th grade I stopped going cause of how depressed I felt.

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