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I feel butterflies. I think

Kyle's pov

Me and Stan talked a lot. Mostly about school. He told me that he always lived in New york. He told me how his girlfriend goes to the same college too and some other friends of his. I told him about the friends of mine that go here too.

I also told him more about the boy who used to bully me. Every time I said something about him, he got pale. I wonder why that is.
And about Cartman.

We arrived an hour and a half later at the college. It's a big building. It got quiet between me and Stan. I saw my friends and ran to them.

"Hey guys! How long have ya'll been here?" I asked them. I looked over at Stan and mouthed to him. "Come." So he came. "We've been here for like 10 minutes, I think." Clyde said.

I nodded. "Guys. This is Stanley Marsh, but Stan for short." I told them. They froze. "Stan?" Kenny said. Stan's eyes widedend. "Kenny? I-I thought you couldn't draw!" He said. I looked confused at them. "No fuck you dude. Seriously. Don't play with me right now!" He screamed at Stan. Stan look hurt.

"Alright I'm getting confused. And I don't want to join this gay ass drama so me, Tweek, Butters and Clyde are going inside see ya'll. Oh and Marsh don't mess up this time." Craig told us while holding Tweek.

"What's happening you guys! Kenny how do you know him? And Stan how do you know Kenny?" I asked them. They signed.

"Look I know you probably found you're future husband right now." Kenny said. "He's not my-." "But he's not who you think he is Kyle." Kenny told me. I raised an eyebrow. "Wha?" I said.

"Doesn't Stanley Marsh ring a bell?" Kenny asked me. I looked over at Stan who looked down at the ground. "No." I told him. "Well does this ring a bell." Kenny cleared his throat. "OI RED SHEEP DON'T CRY!" He screamed. My face softened. I looked at Stan. "Kyle I'm sorry okay. I changed. I really did. I was stupid and depressed back then." Stan told me while he started tearing up. "You lied to me." I said. "I though finally met someone who loves my hair. But no." I started tearing up. "Kyle I'm truly sorry. And for what it's worth it I really like your hair. Truly." Stan said to me. I looked at his eyes.

He looked deeply hurt. He had eyes of regret. He really regrets it. He really does. I looked over at Kenny only to see he walked away.

"I'm sorry I also lied to you that I always used to live in New york while I didn't. Well I did move to New york but still." Stan told me.

I nodded.

"Well Broflovski shall we go inside?" He asked me. "Yes Marsh. Thats okay." I giggled.

I feel butterflies. I think


Really short chapters I know but I'm so tired and I wanted to write.

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