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Stan's pov

I've never admired boys before. I've never thought I'll find them pretty.

I have a girlfriend, her name is Wendy. I love her. I love her with my whole heart.

Since 8th grade, we've been together. We were never the healthiest couple of the school. We were always on and off with our relationship.

I love her, I truly do. But sometimes she can be quite a bitch. (I'm sorry, Wendy).

But I still wanna be together with her. She's my girl, you know. And I love her. But I always had problems with my sexuality. I never had a problem with people being gay. My friends did. They bullied a lot of people for being gay. They even called me gay a couple of times.

I freaked out whenever they called me that. I'm not gay. But just don't call me that okay. Then I'm going to question my sexuality again.

I'm 100% straight.

Wendy's really fucking talented. She can draw really realistic, and she can paint so good too.

Me and Kyle walked into the school.

I kept apologising for what I did. I feel so bad. The bullying wasn't necessary. It never was.

"I'm still so sorry for what I did." I said to Kyle. His curls bounced a little while he's walking. It's cute. But not cute in a gay way. Cute in a way that I think his hair is absolutely gorgeous.

Red. His red hair reminds me of autumn. I love autumn. I love the season. I love the colours representing autumn. His red hair is like the colour of autumn. And I love autumn. So I love his red curly hair. I love how the curls are just perfect. How they stick out of the hat he has. How they bounce when he walks. I've never seen someone with this kind of hair. That's why I love it. But I hate it, too. I hate how perfect his hair looks. I hate how it's a deep red colour that's just so perfect. I hate how his curls match his face so much. I hate how his curls look so perfect. I hate how jealous I am of his hair. That's why I bullied him. I wanted to be popular. I wanted to be cool. I wanted everyone to love me. I wanted Kyle's hair. I wanted, I wanted, I wanted. But I never got what I wanted. I never did. I was just too insecure about myself. I love his red curly hair. I hate how perfect his red curly hair is.

"Stan, I already told you that a thousand times. I. Forgive. You. It was stupid, but I forgive you. I truly do." He told me. His green eyes shimmered in the sun. It's gorgeous.

"Sorry." I said. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. I really do like him. I like him to be my best friend.

"Stan. I forgot to ask. What dorm room are you in?" He asked me. I looked over at my paper. "Uhm. Dorm room 13b." I told him. His eyes scanned the paper. His eyes widedend. "Omg! We're in the same dorm room." He told me.

My eyes widedend. "Omg!" I said. I picked his wrist and started pulling him up the stairs. Which wasn't a great idea when your room is on floor 13.

When we were at floor 5 we were both dying. And my dumbass self forgetting I have asthma is now litteraly dying. "Kyle- can- you please- get- my inhaler- it-'s in my front- pocket." I tried saying. Which I kinda succeed.

Kyle ran to me and grabbed my inhaler from my front pocket. He gave it to me and gave me a slight smile.

(Idk how to use an inhaler😔)

"Thank you." I told him. "Should we take the elevator?" Kyle asked me. I nodded.

We walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. In 2 minutes, it finally arrived.

We stepped into the elevator, and kyle pressed at 'floor 13'.

We waited in silence for a while.

"I never knew you have asthma." Kyle said. "Yeah. In middle school, I tried to hide it a lot." I told him. He nodded.

The elevator door opened, and we stepped outside.

We walked next to each other, and my shoulder touched Kyle's. I felt butterflies. Why do I feel butterflies? Am I in love with Kyle? No, I can't. I have a girlfriend. And I'm not gay. Am I?

I signed and saw the door with '13b' on it. I grabbed my key and opened it. It was quite big. It had 4 separate beds all next to each other. I saw two boys already sitting on the beds. Talking to each other. Kyle seems to recognise them cause he straight up skipped me and ran to them. I remember their named a little bit. I know 1 for sure. It's Kenny, Kenneth Mccormick.

Me and Kenny were best friends in middle school. We did everything together. And I mean everything. I even had my first kiss with him.

But Kenny is also friends with Kyle. So when I started bullying Kyle. Kenny litteraly begged me to stop. But I still wanted the fame. I still wanted to be popular. I still wanted, I still wanted, I still wanted.

So I said no. Kenny was really mad at me and screamed at me for days. He would beat me up and say, "I'll stop if you'll stop bullying, Kyle.". And my dumbass still said no.

I lost my best friend then. It was my own fault. My own fucking fault. I was so stupid back then.

The other person sitting next to Kenny I recognise him as Butters. He was always the sweetest kid ever.

I never did anything to Butters cause he was just too sweet to handle.

For example, if I'll say to him that he looks weird and ugly, he'll just say, "Oh thank you, fella. I'll try to be better looking next time.". Like, I'll feel so bad then.

He still looks so sweet now. He hasn't really changed, to be honest. He just looks a little gayer. But I never really thought about him when I moved, so he just faded in my memories.

I smiled at seeing Kyle so happy. But why? Why am I so happy?

Kenny glared at me. "Why do you need to be in this dorm room?" He asked me, annoyed. I shrugged. "Idk, man, ask the school." I said.

He looked at me like I was a piece of trash. "Look, dude, why do you still hate me so much?" I asked him.

"Well, cause you literally bullied Kyle, one of my best friends. So, no shit that I hate you." He told me with a serious look on his face.

I raised an eyebrow. "Dude, that was 5 years ago. I've changed. I really did." I told Kenny.

"We'll see about that." Kenny told me. And with that, he walked away with him, and Butter held hands.

"Say something then. I know you want to say something about me and Butters being together, you homophobic prick." He screamed at me. I looked over at Kyle. He looked confused at me and Kenny.

"Dude, I'm not homophobic. I don't care if someone's gay. And I don't feel uncomfortable around them." I told Kenny. His face softened.

"I'll try to forgive you. Just don't treat Kyle like that, dude. It made him really insecure." Kenny told me with a smile. I smiled back.

"I promise I'll never treat Kyle nor anyone else like that anymore." I told kenny.

"Pinky promise?" Kenny asked him. He pointed his pinky towards me. I connected my pinky with his. "Pinky promise."


AAAHHH, I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. I wrote this at 1 a.m. I only have 1 week left till school begins. I'm really tired and my headache is litteraly killing me. Thank y'all so much for the reads.

-buh bye

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