14 (1001 words)

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I know that I'm not normal. And I know that I need help with my eating problem. But I just don't want the help. I don't want to be a friend who's in therapy cause he has eating problems. Or be the son who has eating problems. I don't want anyone to know about this. And I don't want people to worry about me and ask me the same fucking question the whole fucking time.

Kenny was the first one to know about my eating problems. He noticed that I wasn't eating enough like a normal person my age would eat. I always just told him that I'm fine and that I'm just nauseous. Well he did believe it at first but after a few months he didn't anymore. I told him that I'll try to recover. But I just made it even worse for myself. I told Kenny that I recorded and he was really happy to see me so happy and just eating again like normal. But then one night I started binging. And then another day and another day and so on. I became depressed and stopped going to school and just refused to come out of my room because I was disgusted by myself. I didn't eat for days and I didn't have the energy to.

Kenny noticed it and came over. "I thought you recovered." He told me with a painful look in his face he was about to cry. I looked at him with hurtful eyes. "I did too.". And that was the day I decided to work on myself and cone to school again. I still tried to recover but I just couldn't eat. Of course my parents noticed my depressive episode and they were really worried about me. But when I came out of my room again I told them I just got really sad and that I'm fine now.

And how did my parents never notice I starved myself? I have my ways. (But I ain't sharing cause some people may struggle, and I'll give them ideas so noo). 

I know I'm crazy.

All the best people are crazy.
-Melanie martinez


Butters cat stopped infront of the school. I still had some tears on my cheeks so I wiped them off. Stan had a confused look on his face. He probably still didn't know why I was crying and why Kenny looked so pissed.

Kenny told me to follow and. And ofcource Stan wanted to follow us in. God. Why did he want that? He'll probably notice my eating problems. But I just can't say no to Stan and it'll be weird if he can't be with us.

Kenny told me and Stan to sit down and he'll get dinner for us. Great eating with eachother in public. Just what I fucking needed.

"Why is Kenny so pissed and why can't you just get your own food?" He asked me.

I looked down. "I can't tell you." I mumbled to him. "But why Kyle? Why can't you tell me?" His voice broke. I looked at him with glossy eyes.

"You'll probably find it out, eventually." I told him. He looked down and nodded.

Kenny brought our food. Stan got a chicken soup. Kenny got a burger and I got a chicken nuggets and fries. Great. One of my worst fear food. I glared at Kenny. He just smirked at me. Stan just looked confused at us.

I looked at the food. My thoughts were saying different things. Don't eat that you'll become fat again, Stop, don't, fatty.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I can't do this. Not today. I pushed my plate forward and ran to the elevator to the dorm room. At this point I really don't care if Butters in there.

The elevator stopped at the floor I needed to be. I ran to my dorm room and saw Butters sitting on his bed on his phone.

"Oh heya Kyle. Why are you crying? Are you okay?" He asked me worried.

I felt tears streaming down my face. Butters stoop up and embrace me. I hugged him back. I felt myself just breaking down completely. I just can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm struggling, and my heart says I need help, but my head is in the way of saying that I'm fine all the time. I need this to go away now. I need this shitty feeling to go away now.

"Kyle, what's up? Why so sad?" Butters asked me. Fuck I cant tell him about my eating problem. He'll freak out.

I blinked. "Uhm.. I just had a shitty day and a lot happened, and I got overwhelmed." I told him, looking down. It's not a lie, completely.

He pouted. "I'm sorry to hear that, Kyle. I hope tomorrow is a better day." He told me.

I heard the door creak open. And there I saw Stan in the doorway without Kenny.

"Kyle. I need to talk to you now!" He screamed at me with tears in his eyes. I looked down and nodded.


I fucking fucked it up again. Now Stan has to find out.

Stan's pov

I saw Kyle running away from food the second time today. Is he really scared of food?

Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Stan, I'm done with Kyle. He'll only listen to you right now. You were bound to find out, so you need to talk with Kyle about this. Please. He'll only talk with you, trust me. Go and see where Kyle is. I need to go catch up with Craig, so go seek your boyfriend. Okay? I'll be fine." Kenny told me. So I was right. There is something wrong with Kyle, and he doesn't have a stomach bug. Goddammit.

"Okay. Oh, and Kenny were not boyfriends. I'm straight." I told him completely lying about the straight part. He nodded. "Sure." He laughed. I smiled.



So I'm really not excited about tomorrow cause tomorrow is my break over and I need to go to school again😔🔫. It was only a week, so it wasn't even that long. Anyway, I'm gunna read some Creek fics cause I feel like it. Anyway, I was actually shocked from the new ep from hell week. Like damn I got scared tbh

Bug byeer

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