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-Time skip 1 month later-

Stan's pov

It's January 10th today and Kyle isn't at school. He never returned to college after winter break, but he told me he's in therapy and he'll be back next week.

It's shit without him at school. I'm so used to Kyle being here that it just feels weird when he doesn't show up for 2 days. I know 2 days isn't much but it is for me. I miss talking to him face to face. And I miss to cuddle him.

I walk into the hallway and see Thomas talking to his friends. He looks at me and laughs with his friends

"Hey Stan how's your pussy ass boyfriend doing. Is he too traumatized too come back to school?" Thomas asked me as he giggled with his friends.

I turned around and had enough. I walk closer to him and punch him hard on his nose. It starts bleeding heavily and he holds his nose tightly to stop the bleeding.

"Say that again and I'll punch you again!" I threaten him and I walk away.

I see Kenny looking at him with wide eyes.

"I knew it! You and Kyle are together!" He confessed happy. I frown. "Did Kyle tell you?" I ask him. "No but you just broke Thomas' nose for Kyle." Kenny told me. My face softens and I form my mouth in a 'oh' form.

"You two are so cute together" Kenny tells me exited. I smile widely. "Thank you Ken."

Kenny smiles and nods and walks away. I walk to my class and sit down on a empty seat.

Kyle's pov

"So Kyle how have you been these couple of days?" My therapist asks me.

I shrug. "Okay I guess."

"How are you?" He asks me. I stay silent for a bit. "I— I dunno." I answer honestly.

"How's your eating now? Do you eat more or do you eat less now?" He asks me politely. I don't wanna answer that honestly cause I didn't eat anything these past couple of days just 2 crackers without calories.

"Uhm... okay I guess."

"Are you sure?"

It stays silent again. "I-..."



So im back with writing and this was a fucking short chaper but whatever.


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