5 (492 words)

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Me and Stan waved at them.

Kyle's pov

Me and Kenny were talking with each other over random art shit.

I saw Stan waving at someone. She has long black hair with a pink hat on her head. She's really pretty.

I saw Stan running to her and giving her a hug. He then gave her a quick peck on her lips. My stomach hurt when that happened. I felt jealousy. But why? Why do I feel jealousy?

Stan looked a little uncomfortable after that kiss. Like he didn't want to kiss her. She looked confused at him and then looked over at us and smiled widely.

Me, Kenny, and Butters walked over to them.

"Hi, i'm Wendy." She said to us with a bright smile on her face.

Me, Kenny, and Butters smiled back at her.

"Hi, i'm Kyle." I said.

"Hi, i'm Kenny." Said Kenny

"Hi, i'm Butters!" Said Butters with a wide smile.

Wendy smiled at us again.

"It's so nice to meet you guys! But I need to go find my dorm. And Stan I can do that alone." She told us.

We nodded, and Stan and Wendy said goodbye to each other.

"So you have a girlfriend!" Kenny said, raising his brows.

"Yeah! Why do you sound so surprised?" Stan asked Kenny.
"Well.. I always thought that you'll end up, you know... Be gay.." Kenny said.

Stan raised an eyebrow. "Uhm, okay.. But I don't." Stan told Kenny.

"Mhm. Say this while you still can. I have a great gaydar Marsh." Kenny said to Stan. I giggled.

"Anyway! Me and Butters are gunna find Craig and the rest. So bye!" Kenny told us while he grabbed Butters hand.

Me and Stan waved at them.

"So~ what'd you wanna do." Stan asked me. "We could go find Craig too." I suggested him.

He nodded. "Okay!" He said.


We saw Craig sitting in the library with Clyde, Kenny, Butters, and Tweek around his arm.

I've always been jealous about Tweek and Craig. They've been together since 4th grade. They've broken up sometimes, but after around 2-5 days, they make it up, and they're back together.

I've never even had a boyfriend before.

"So Marsh.. How was New York?" Craig asked Stan.

"Uhm.. It was okay. I guess. But I really missed it here so my family decided that they were gunna  move back. And that's better with college." Stan told Craig. Craig nodded.

"So.. Are you two still together since 4th grade?" Stan asked Craig.

"Yeah! Got a fucking problem with that Marsh?" Craig asked Stan.

Stan looked confused at Craig. "No - No god no. Why does everybody think I'm this homophobic prick?  Which I'm not." Stan said to us.

It went silent for a while. Craig cleared his throat.

"So it was nice meeting you again, Marsh." Craig told Stan.

"It was nice meeting you again too, Tucker." Stan told Craig. He had a faint grin on his face

Criag flipped him off



Sorry for the short chapter. And sorry for not writing for a while but my first week of school just started and I've been really busy.

-buh bye

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