13 (883 words)

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Stan's pov

I caught him in my arms as soon as he fell. Kyle just fucking fainted.

I started to panic. Why do I do now? Do I call an ambulance? Or should I call Kenny.

I thought about it and I think it would be the best if I'll just call Kenny.

I searched for Kenny's contact. It took a few seconds for him to pick up.

"Stan. What's up? Aren't you and Kyle out for lunch?" He asked me sounding a bit worried in his voice.

I started sobbing. "Kenn- kenny. Kyle.. fainted." I told him feeling a million tears falling. I heard Kenny gasp.

"I'll pick you two up with Butters car. You two stay there okay?" He told me trying to comfort me. Why did he sounds so calm? Does he know what's up with Kyle? Or was Kyle just lying about him being fine.

I looked down in my lap and saw Kyle blinking. He opened his eyes fully. He had a confused look on his face.

He frowned. "What happened?" He asked me. "You fainted." I told him. He looked down and I saw his eyes turning glossy.

"Kyle- you don't have to tell me what's going on and why you fainted - if you know why - but I want you to know that I'm always here for you. And if there's something going on with you. You need to know that you can always come to me. Oh and Kenny's picking us up." I told him giving him a comforting smile.

Kyle moved his head up and sat next to me.

"There is something going on with me. And I don't know why. I'm just weird and messed up in the head. But I'm not ready to tell you yet. Stan we've just became friends. Even though I knew you since forever we never had the best relationship with eachother. And I know I can trust you. But I just need some time. Some time to sort out things for myself. If that's okay?" Kyle's voice broke while saying that.

I looked into his beutifull emerald eyes. He's just so gorgeous and perfect. How can he be messed up in the head?

He smiled at me. I felt butterflies fulling my stomach. I saw a light tint of blush forming on Kyle's face. Our faces were really close to eachother.

We were staring deeply into eachothers eyes.

And then the beautiful moment had to be ruined. We heard a loud honk and a scream.

"Lovebirds come in the car!" We heard Kenny scream at us. Kyle scoffed. "We're not inlove Kenny." Kyle said to kenny. Kenny laughed. "Sure that's what they all say." He smiled at us.

We walked to the backseats. "Uh Kyle can you sit in the front. I want to talk to you." Kenny smiled at Kyle. Kyle just rolled his eyes. "Sure ken." He said sighing.

What would Kenny want to talk to Kyle about? Is it about him fainting? Does he know what's up? I hope I'll find out soon cause I really want to know what's wrong with Kyle.

Kyle's pov

I sat in the front seat. I know Kenny's gunna talk about how I fainted.

Kenny started the car and told Stan to put his earbuds in so he won't eavesdrop on our conversation.

Kenny put some music on. "So you fainted. Do you know the reason?" He asked me. He knows the reason.

I shrugged. "I don't know kenny. Do you know?" I asked him giving him a smile.

"Look Kyle this isn't the time to play games. You know damn well why you fainted. How many days did you already go without eating?" Kenny asked me.

I have to tell him cause Kenny knows everything. "3 days." I muttered. I saw Kenny's eyes widen. "WHAT 3 DAYS. KYLE THAT'S INSANE." Kenny screamed at me. I looked down.

"Kenny there's nothing wrong with me. I told you already a million times. I'm fine. I don't need your nor anyone else's help. I'm just a little messed up in the head." I told him.

"Kyle I'm so sorry to say this. But if you keep on doing this you'll die. So you need professional help. Someone who knows everything about people like you." Kenny told me.

I frowned. "What do you mean people like me?" I asked him.
"People that have a eating disorder." He told me softly.

I blinked. "Kenny I don't have a fucking eating disorder. I'm not crazy. I'm fine." I told him. I tried to stay calm cause Stan's still in the car but every word I seemed to sound angrier.

"Kyle no offense but if you'll keep on saying you're fine and stuff and still not eating for 3 fucking days you'll die. And I really hate to break it to you but I won't be with you forever if you don't get professional help. Maybe you'll still have Stan but the rest is gunna get sick of you if you won't stop this shit. Try to get help, okay. For me, for Stan. And I'm sorry I have to be so harsh on you but you need it." He told me. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

It stayed quiet the whole ride.



So I don't rlly know what to write in this authors note😭.
Anyway stan stray kids🥰

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