24 (448 words)

105 0 5

Stan's pov

When I woke up, I felt an arm around my waist and a body curled up against mine. I blinked and turned around to see Kyle sleeping next to me.

I stared at him for a moment, admiring his beaty. I saw him slowly waking up. My mouth curled up in a smile as I said "Goodmorning.". He stretched his arms. "Morning." He said.

I felt a massive headache coming in and saw that I had paracetamol and a water bottle on my nightstand. I grabbed a pill and some water.

I swallowed the pill. Kyle sat next to me, looking at me. "You were annoying." He told me while putting an arm around my waist, resting his head on my upper arm.

I smile. "Was I? I'm sorry I got drunk." I apologised. "It's fine, Stan. Just don't get drunk again." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Why were you late anyway? Did something happen?" I asked him, sounding worried.

"Nothing happened, don't worry. I- I just - My mom was annoying with me not really eating." Kyle told me, lauging a bit. I frowned. "Are you sure?" I asked him. I know he's lying. I can hear it.

"Yeah, don't worry. Nothing happened." He smiled at me. I began getting more worried.

"Kyle, stop lying. I know you're lying. I'm sorry, but we can't be in a relationship if you keep lying to me." I told him, feeling concerned.

Kyle's eyes started watering. "I- I came out to my family, but they're homophobic. And I think you can quess what happened next." He told me. My eyes widedend.

I pulled him in a hug. "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Why didn't your parents do anything?" I asked him sounding more worried.

"They were scared I think." Kyle told me. I hugged him tigher. "Oh Kyle I'm so fucking sorry." I told him. I pulled away from the hug and kissed him.

"We have to kiss more." I told him smiling. Kyle smiled widely. "Yeah we really do have to kiss more." He chuckled.

I cupped his cheeks and pulled him in a kiss. He kissed me back slowly deepening the kiss more. I slowly pressed him to the bed kissing him more deeply. I pulled away and smiled.

"I love you, Kyle" I blushed and smiled

"I love you too, Stan" He also blushed and smiled.



Sorry for the short chaper but i have to eat and do a lot and look for a new phone cause mines litteraly dying😔. And i have to plan my birthday for the 27th. I'll probably write another chapter at like 3am.

-buh byee

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