7(490 words)

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Stan laughed. I laughed.

Stan's pov

I am. Am I?


Kyle's pov

I waited for Stan. He took forever to get ready. I signed.

I saw him coming out of the bathroom with a shocked look on his face. I looked at him in confusion.

"Stan, are you okay?" I asked him.
"Uhm- yeah - yeah, i'm fine, don't worry!" Stan tokd me with a smile.
I nodded and smiled back.

"Well, should we go eat?" I asked him. He nodded in excitement. "Yeah!" He said.


We got our food and sat at a table.

"So what are things that I don't know about you?" I asked Stan. He looked at me and started thinking.

"I don't really know anything right now. Can you maybe start? Then I can think more." Stan asked me. I nodded.

"Well, I've never been in a relationship before." I started. Stan laughed. "And I'm gay." I told him. When I told him that, I was honestly scared.

He smiled. "Okay.. Now you!" I said to him.

"Well-."Stan started, but I zoned out because I saw someone. "Oh fuck." I said.

Stan looked confused at me. "What . Was that story so bad. I don't even know how I fitted that up my ass." Stan told me. "WHAT!" I started laughing. "Okay! Okay! But what is it that you were staring at?" Stan asked me.

I pointed at a boy behind Stan. Stan looked. He gave me a confused look. "Who's that?" He asked me.

"That's Thomas. In high school, I liked him. A lot. I told him that. And when I told him that, he told everyone else." I told Stan.

His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, Kyle." He said to me.

I looked over at Thomas again and he looked back. He laughed and started walking towards us. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. He's walking towards us." I whispered to Stan.

"Hey Gaywad. What are you doing at this school? You wanna have sex with every boy?" He asked me laughing.

"Fuck off Thomas! He doesn't wanna talk to you!" Stan told him, angry.

He looked at Stan with a disgusted face. "Wow, overprotective boyfriend much." Thomas laughed.

"He's not my boyfriend." I told him.

He laughed. "Well I'm not gunna spend my time on this so bye!" Thomas told us.

I scoffed. "He's a dick!" Stan said angry. "Why are you so angry? He didn't bother you." I asked Stan.

"Uhm- I don't know. I just stood up for you that's it." Stan smiled at me. I laughed.

"Okay.. But what exactly did you put up your ass?" I asked Stan confused.

"Uhm lets change the topic!" Stan laughed. I laughed.

Stan is really funny. I see myself becoming best friends with Stan. I know he has done some shitty stuff in the past. But he changed a lot. He's actually really nice. I hope he'll stay this nice.


Sorry for the short chapter but I'm gunna write tomorrow more I promise. Now I need to update another story that I'm making for my friends.

-buh bye

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