30 (344 words)

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I see stan looking at me with teary eyes. He starts sobbing when he sees me half asleep. I feel his arms wrap around me and i hear him mumbling some things to me such as "I'm so sorry", "I didn't mean to hurt you like that."' "I really love u.".

I start tearing up myself and turn around to look at him. "Do you really love me?" I ask him. He nods and wipes me tears giving me a kiss on my forehead. "I really do. I really love you. I love you so much and it was stupid of me to break up with you." Stan confesses.

I nod "I love you too, so much." I kiss him and he kisses me back.

Time skip

Stans pov

After kyle relapsed on binging he got send to a hospital hoping he'd get better. It helped him a lot. Of course he still struggles with his eating disorder but he's really getting better. He stayed at the hospital for over a month and I really missed him on school. He wasn't allowed to go to school until after summer break. I got sad after that having to go to school almost a month without kyle.

But I did it and were still together.

I really love him and he really loves me. I wish I could just take all the negative thoughts he has about himself and put it in me. He really doesn't deserve all of this.

I love him and he loves me

HEY GUYSS IM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR OVER A MONTH IM REALLY JUST LAZY AS FUCK. Im fucking sick rn and tbh i wanna get better cuz im bored in bed and im lit dying from my cough dude😭 idk why 28 and 29 are switched up but im gonna try to fix it.
Anyway this is the end of meet again i hope u enjoyed it. Idk if or when im gonna write a new fic but ill just see


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