8 (611 words)

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I'm Bisexual.

Stan's pov

I'm really confused. Like really fucking confused.

I have a lovely girlfriend. But do I still feel the same about her like I used to? I don't know.

Yesterday, when me and Wendy kissed, I didn't feel anything. Nothing like I used to feel. And then this morning I got a fucking boner because of Kyle.

That's really fucking gay.

Am I really gay. Was I just in denial this whole time.

But it feels wrong to say 'I'm gay'. It doesn't sound quite enough. Maybe I'm not gay. But maybe I am.

I can just ask Kyle about it. I mean, he told me today that he's gay. Maybe I can ask him how he knew that he's gay.


* Time skip after school cause I'm too lazy to write al that, and I'm prob gunna do that later in this fic*

Me and Kyle were alone in our dorm. Kenny and Butters were out eating with friends.

I really wanted to talk to Kyle about sexuality.

"Kyle, can I ask you something?" I asked him. His red curls bounced as he turned his face to me.

"Yeah? What's up!" Kyle asked me.

"How did you know you were.. You know gay?" I asked him. He looked confused at me.

"Well I just never felt attracted to girls. And then I just thought that I haven't found the right person yet. But then I fell inlove with a boy. I was really long in denial with my sexuality but then I just knew that I couldn't love a girl like that and only a boy." Kyle told me. I stared in Kyle's emerald green eyes.

"Why'd you ask?" Kyle asked me. Shit. I can't lie because I want to figure out if I'm really gay.

"Well, I'm just really confused with my sexuality. Cause I have a girlfriend and she's the best and gorgeous. But yesterday, when I kissed her, it just didn't feel the same. And I think I like a boy." I explained to Kyle. He looked at me understanding.

"Have you always questioned your sexuality?" He asked me.

"Sometimes, yes. I got called gay a lot of times at school because I like only hunt out with girls and just some boys." I told Kyle.

"Well, you don't 'have' to be gay you know? You can also be Bisexual." Kyle told me. I frowned. "What's Bisexual?" I asked him.

"Geez, are you that old!" He laughed. I smiled at him.

"Well Bisexual means that you feel attracted to both genders. So boys and girls." Kyle explained to me. It was silent for a while. I was just imagining myself with Kyle.

I'm Bisexual.

I'm Bisexual

I'm Bisexual

I like saying it.

It's fun, and I feel so comfortable saying it.

I'm Bisexual.

"Well then, I guess this is me coming out to you as Bisexual." I told him. He smiled at me brightly.


I need to break up with Wendy. But how? We've been together since 8th grade.

It's not like we've never broke up. But she always broke up with me and a day later we were together again.

So how do I do this?

How do I break up with Wendy.


Kyle's pov

Stan came out to me as Bisexual. I'm so happy that he realised he's Bisexual.

I think I kinda like Stan. No. Not kinda. But a lot. No. I can't. We've only known each other well for a day. Okay, we've 'known' each other for years. But that doesn't count.

Can I already be in love with him with 1 day of knowing him. Does love at first sight really exist?


Not really a short chapter I mean 611 words but normally I do like 1000+ words. Anyway. Here's a new chapter because yesterday I promised that I'll write today

-buh bye

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