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Kyle's pov  (TW: ⚠️eating disorder, mention of suicide)

I blinked my eyes open. My head was throbbing, and it was really hard to open my eyes. My vision was a bit blurry, but I blinked that away. I felt arms around my waist.

I looked down onto my waist and saw Stan's familiar hands. I rubbed my eyes and squeezed out of Stan. He was still deep asleep from last night. Right. What happened. I do remember it. But my brain doesn't want me to remember it.

Right. Thomas.. he. I don't even know what, but it was traumatising. Stan saved me. He actually saved me from what happened. I'm so lucky. But I can't stop feeling guilty. Like I deserved it. I feel guilty for being friends with Stan. Now it's my fault if he feels like shit.

I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. My hair was messed up. My breath stinked. I was pale. I felt like throwing up. And I had a big wound on my forehead. But in all together. I look and feel like shit.

I turned the shower on and started sobbing. Why did this have to happen to me.

Why me?


Stan's pov

Today, we're going home for Thanksgiving.

The last few weeks, Kyle was really off. He didn't eat. He didn't attend to most classes and just didn't talk. I feel so bad for him. He's already been through enough, and I partly blame myself, too.

But he has to tell his parents when he gets home. He needs professional help. I can't watch him slowly killing himself. I care too much about him to see that.


I was in the hallway waiting to see if I could find Kyle. I really want to talk to him. I waited patiently.

I saw a familiar red head walking in the hallway. He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in ages. I saw him walking closer towards him.

I saw him walking next to me, and I pulled him aside. That wasn't the best move cause he looked in absolute shock.

"Please don't hurt me, please!" He cried. I grabbed his wrists. "Kyle, you don't have to worry it's just me." I told him smiling. He looked up with watery eyes.

He mouthed an 'oh'. "Look, Kyle, I just want to say something to you before we leave for Thanksgiving." I told him.

"You can do this later. You live in South Park. Again, don't you?" He told me pissed off.

"Look, I just have to tell you now. Okay?" I told him. He nodded. "Can you please tell your parents about everything that's happening. Look, I get it if you don't want to, but I just can't watch you trying to kill yourself. I love you too much for that. You need professional help, Kyle. You don't only need it but deserve it, too. I know it can be hard, but please." I told him.

I looked at me and  looked down. "Okay. But can you maybe help me by saying that to them. Can you even be there with me?" Kyle asked me.

"Ofcource Kyle everything for you." I smiled at him.

Finally, he's getting some professional help.


I'm getting a bit better now. Anyway I rlly don't wanna go to school on monday. And I need to go to group therapy on monday and I'm really not excited for that. I'll probs just embarrass myself.

- bub byee

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