25 (512 words)

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Kyle's pov

The past few weeks went fast. I had an appointment at the doctor to get me into therapy again. That appointment sucked by the way.

I got signed up for therapy, but my first appointment isn't until January, which sucks cause I don't wanna live like this anymore.

My parents wanted me to stay home until I felt better mentally, but that'll take too long. So I decided to go to school again after the break.

I went to school again, still being scared shitless of Thomas, but at least I have Stan. He's the only one I can cope with now. I feel so attached to him. Of course, I still talk to Kenny, but I'm just a lot with Stan now.

Stan told me that he wants to keep us a secret until he's ready to come out. I completely respect that. He can come out whenever he's ready it took me a while, too.

"Hey, cutie!" I hear Stan say. I look over to him. I smile. "Hey Stan." I smile at him, looking around the room to see if Butters and Kenny aren't here.

I pull him in for a quick kiss. "I got you some food cause you're sick." He gave me some food smiling at me. I blushed a bit. "You really didn't have to, but thank you." I kiss him on his cheek. "I really hope you get better soon. I miss you in class. It's too boring when I can't stare at someone so attractive all the time." He grins. I blush a bit. "I'll recover soon. I hope." I cough a bit.

"You're also gonna get sick if you'll keep kissing me." I smile. "Well, you're the one kissing me all the time. So infact you're the one making me sick." He smiled at me playfully.

I scoff. "Okay, yeah, that's true, but you kiss back.". "Well, you can't blame me when your lips are so kissable and soft." He tells me, grinning. "Stop it, you're making me blush." I tell him while I start heating up more.

He smiles and pulls me closer, kissing me again. I smile and place my hand on his cheek. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me closer. I pull away, and he kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Ky." He smiles widely. "I love you too Stan."

"Well anyway I have to go to my new lesson. See you in a bit." He walks away and closes the door.

wave at him and blush more. Kenny walks into the room. "What're you so smiley about?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I shake my head, laying down again. "You have such a ig crush on Stan it's unbearable to watch. He also has a crush on you, too, you know. God just make out already." He tells me and sits on his bed.

I smile. "I'll tell him eventually."
Kennys nods and gets on his phone. "I'm gonna sleep for a bit." I tell Kenny. He nods. "Sleep well."

I fall asleep fast.


Dude i gotta make chapters longer wtf. Anyway it's the 27th for me so it's ny bday. I still can't believe i turned 14 wtf. And i just realised how long I'm already writing this fic. The first chapter was uploaded on august 20. Anyway imma go to sleep now cause its 1:30 and i need to wake up at 8😔.

-buh byee

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