10 (503 words)

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Stan's pov

The following days, my feelings for Kyle only grew stronger. We've been talking a lot and we are like best friends now. I've been waiting for this moment since forever.


I sat in class, staring at the beautiful ginger. His lips parted slowly as he concentrated on the lesson. "Okay, get into pairs of two now!" I heard Ms good say. Wait, I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

"Stan! You wanna go with me. You're a good model anyway." Kyle smiled at me. I gave him a confused look.

"What'd we need to do?" I asked him. His lips formed into a smile. "You didn't listen?" He asked me slightly, laughing. I grinned at him. "No too busy staring at someone." I laughed. Shit why'd I say that. His smile dropped, and he looked hurt?

"Anyway, we need to make pictures of each other. Like we're a photographer." He told me smiling a bit. I nodded.

We walked to a wall and started to set the camera. Kyle really knew good how to do that. I think he likes photography because he seems pretty excited. I smiled at seeing excited Kyle. He looks so cute like this. So hyperactive about photography. Cute.

"Okay, we're all set. Pose. Do something." Kyle told me while he started grinning at me widely. I smiled back and started posing.

"Go more to the right - no more to the left - stay here - tilt your chin a bit - perfect." He told me while I saw a flash that brightened everything for a second. Kyle made like 10 photos for him to pick out.

"Now it's my turn!" Kyle told me happily.

I walked over to the camera, and Kyle started to pose. I blushed heavily. I couldn't concentrate on the work anymore. I could only stare at how happy and beautiful he looks. "Earth to Stan!" Kyle screamed to me. I blinked. "Right - sorry." I smiled at him.

He was standing perfectly already. I gave him a thumps up to let him know that he's standing good.

I also made 10 pictures. "Can I see?" He asked, happy. How can someone ever say no to him. How could I ever bully him into suicide.

I nodded, and he looked over my shoulders on his tiptoes. His happy smile dropped when he saw his photos. He looked so sad. "Can- uhm- can we do it again?" He asked me. You could hear clearly that he had a big lump in his throat from the pictures. I frowned.

"Why? You look beautiful in the pictures. I haven't even seen mine, and I bet that you look way better." I told him honestly.

"Really? D'you really think I'm beautiful?" He asked me.

"Why wouldn't I think that? Did no one ever tell you that or something?" I laughed. He smiled with his teary eyes.

"Thank you Stan. I love you." He told me. Did he just say that? Omg he did.

"I love you too, dude." I smiled.



Sorry for not writing for 9 days? I was really busy with school and on weekends I have matches because of sports and I published a new story. Go check that out it's called sincerely yours.
Anyway I'm really fucking tired.
-buh bye

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