12 (902 words)

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Stan's pov

"You were hungry." I laughed. Kyle just blinked and looked at his plate. He had a face of guilt? Why? Why did he have a face of guilt.

He stood up and ran to the toilet. Was he sick? Does he have an allergy for something? Maybe I'll just check on him to make sure he's okay.

I stood up and walked to the toilet. I heard someone sobbing and then gagging and then throwing up. Was that Kyle?

"Kyle?" I said with a questioning tone. I heard someone gasp. "Stan!" His voice broke.

"Are you okay? Open the door!" I told Kyle while I started getting tears in my eyes.

"I'm fine! You don't need to worry. It's just a stomach bug, probably." Kyle told me while he started sobbing uncuntrollbly.

He's lying. I just know it. I can hear it.

"Kyle, I don't know how, but I know that you're lying. Come on, dude, just tell me the truth?" I asked him calm.

"Stan, I said I'm fine! I'm okay. I don't need your help." Kyle told me while crying. It went silent.

I was thinking. When did I even see Kyle eat? I did some times. My face softened. It all made sense.

I signed. "Kyle I want you to be really fucking honest with me this time okay. I know I did shitty things to in the past but I need you to trust me now and be honest with me now. Is that okay?" I asked him. It went silent for a while.

"Okay." I heard Kyle say.

"Kyle. Did you trow up your food.. by yourself? Did you make yourself trow up?" I asked him quietly. It went silent for a while. I heard Kyle sob.

Kyle's pov

Stan's words were echoing in my ears. Do I tell him the truth or not?
If I tell him the truth he will worry and if I lie then he won't worry. I'm fine there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just being me.

"No I did not." I told him slowly. "I told you I have a stomach bug.".

I heard Stan sign. "Okay if you say so." I heard him say. I feel guilty about lying to him. I mean he'll find out eventually so there's nothing to worry about. 

I opened the stall and saw Stan with tears dripping down his face. Why is he crying? I feel really fucking bad for lying but it's the best for both of us.

I started washing my hand and splashed some water in my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. Why am I so ugly? Why is my red curly hair always sticking out like it doesn't know where to go? Why do I have acne that ruins my whole fucking face? Like it isn't already ugly enough. Like my fucking ugly face isn't already ruining my whole fucking life. And why do I have a fucking ugly double chin that always shows. Why? Why does Stan have everything I don't have? Why does he have perfect black hair that isn't sticking out everywhere like it knows it direction? Why does Stan have clear skin that makes his face even more perfect? Like his face can't be more perfect. Like his fucking beautiful face isn't already making his whole life the best. And why does Stan have such a sharp jawline that always shows? Why is life so fucking unfair?

Tears started streaming down my face but I wiped them quickly before Stan could see them.

I walked out of the bathroom and Stan walked behind me. We returned to our table. It was really quiet between us two. We waited until our paycheck came.

"Hi did you two enjoy your food?" The waitress asked us. We nodded and she gave us the paycheck. It was 20 dollars. My eyes widedend at the price. 20 dollars for 2 portions of fries and chicken and coke and water?

"I'll pay." Stan smiled at me.

"You really don't ha-." I got cut off by Stan already swiping his card. "Thank you! I hope you two return soon." She told us while she walked away.

Stan stood up and I did too. I felt really dizzy and I started seeing black dots everywhere. This never happened before. Normally it's always just dizziness.

"Are you okay." Stan asked me. I nodded. Stan frowned. He definitely doesn't believe me.

We walked out of the restaurant and started walking next to eachother. This restaurant was really close to the school so we didn't need to walk long. It's like a 10 minute walk. But I feel like those 10 minutes are gonne feel and be longer considering how dizzy I am.

I heard Stan talking about something but I couldn't focuse on it. I saw everything blurry and I couldn't walk straight. I saw black dots appearing again.

Maybe I do need to ask for help.

Stan was really lost in his own words that he didn't even realise I wasn't walking next to him anymore. His voice became more blurry and my eyes were beginning to get heavier.

"Stan!" I tried to scream but I couldn't. He probably didn't even hear it. I gulped. "Stan!" I managed to get out louder. I saw Stan stopping with talking and waking and he turned around.

"Kyle are you-." And everything went black.


Well this was depressing. Anyway sorry I didn't write for 2 days cause I promised 3 days ago that I'll write the next day. But I was really busy making my melanie portals mask for a halloween party . And my billie poster just fell down, but I'm too lazy to put it up again.
-buhhb byrer

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