21 (937 words)

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It's Thanksgiving, and I'm really scared of today. My family are coming over and there are going to be so many people and a lot of food.

I've been with Stan most of the time now. After we kissed, it got a bit awkward, but we were fine after. Stan stayed over.

I just really love Stan and I've never thought he would like me back. I'm a bit happier because of that. Knowing that someone actually truly loves me for who I am makes me happy and loved.

And I never feel loved. So this just feels so good.

I heard family coming in and in. Anxiety started rising, realising it's getting closer and closer to the time I need to head downstairs for food.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I signed at the look of myself. I felt disgusted.

I called Stan.

"Hey Kyle, what's up?" Stan asked me.

"I don't want to do this. This is way too overwhelming for me everyone would be watching me eat." I sobbed.

"Kyle, it's gunna to be okay, I promise. Try to enjoy this one meal. You're beautiful, remember that." Stan told me.

"You're only saying that because you love me." I sobbed.

"Exactly. I love you. You're beautiful from the outside and the inside." Stan smiled from the phone.

I looked at him with teary eyes. "Kyle, Ike come down to eat!" My mom called.

"I have to go eat." I told Stan.

"Good luck. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled at him.

I ran downstairs and saw all the food. It looked so good but disgusting at the same time. I thought of how I would look like after I ate and felt disgusted by myself. How can I get away from eating if my parents also know about my eating problems?

I smiled at sat at the table. I said hi to everyone.

I felt really uncomfortable sitting in between 2 people, but I had to deal with it.

(I don't know anything about Thanksgiving cause I'm dutch, but let's just skip to the food part)

I saw everyone getting food and eating it. I still felt disgusted and nauseous.

My mom noticed it and took my plate and put some food on it and gave it to me.

"So Kyle. How's it on college?" My uncle asked me.

"It's fine. I made some new friends but it's just mostly my old friends." I told him. He nodded.

"So, do you already have a girlfriend?" My aunt asked me
I shook my head.

"No love or girlfriend." I told them. I actually do have love, but I'm not gunna to tell them.

I saw my uncle laughing. "I saw some faggot walking down the streets when I got here. He looked very stupid so I just laughed at him and called him a faggot." My uncle laughed. Are they really homophobic. Fucking hell

"What'd he look like?" My cousin asked them. Oh do I hope he's not going to describe Stan.

"He had black messy hair and had blue eyes and had gay ass headphones on with his gay ass baggy jeans and too oversized shirt." He laughed. Fuck. That's has to be Stan. I mean it would make sense he looked pretty upsate when I called him.

My parents just did nothing at how my uncle just called Stan a faggot.

I gave my mom a glare to tell them to stop making fun of Stan but she didn't even look at me.

I heard the door ring.

"I'll get it!" I told them while getting up.

My mom tried to tell me to just eat but I already opened the door.

I saw Stan with flowers in his hands. Standing on my front porch. My jaw dropped.

"Stan! What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I uhh I want to ask you something." Stan told me while looking down at the ground.

"I'm kinda in the middle of my dinner." I told Stan but I couldn't resist the disappointment look on his face.

I got my keys and put my shoes on and closed the door. I heard my mom screaming at me to get me inside again but I just ignored her.

Stan took my hand in his and walked me some further away from my house.

"So what I want to ask you is uhm. D'you want to be my... boyfriend. Like that we're boyfriends?" Stan asked me. My eyes widedend.

"Yes Stan ofcourse!" I smiled widely. We kissed quickly and he gave me the flowers.

"Should we meet at 9pm at starks pond?" Stan asked me. I nodded.

I walked home and saw my mom clearing up the table.

My uncle's eyes widedend at the sight of my carrying a bouquet of flowers. "So who's the lucky lady?" He asked me.

"Oh fuck off it wasn't a girl it's a boy." I told him while putting off my shoes and coat.

His eyes widedend again. "Oh and the boy you called a faggot is my boyfriend so good luck with dealing with that. I told him while I ran upstairs. I'm so proud of myself.




Sorry for being away for a while but I tried to focus on my studies cause I het really bad grades like actually really bad grades. And now I got a throat infection when I'm going to see Melanie monday. And that's in 2 days😭. I'm still going tho my throat infection can't stop me from not going to see my favourite artist. Anyway I'm going away again for awile to fucus on my studies.

-buh byee

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