The future is looking bright

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After the brawl at Odin's house, Dad dragged us home and locked us in our makeshift jails. Our girls stood around us and studied us caged.

Ma stood beside Dad. "Aren't the boys too old for the makeshift jails?"

Dad looked at Ma. "You're never too old to sit in the clink. Just ask Grayson. He has a reserved seat at the Oakridge Police Department."

"Isn't that Grampa who has a reserved spot?" Rafe asked.

Dad arched his brow at Rafe.

"How about you shut your trap before Dad beats you?" Pat said.

"You want to go? I'm not afraid of you," Rafe said.

"You touch, Pat, and I'll touch you," Romeo said.

"Big talk for someone who needs a walker," Marty said.

"How about you all shut the hell up before I make you?" I asked.

My brothers gave me an annoyed look.

"For guys getting married, you look utterly ridiculous," Bailey said.

"Bailey, no," the other girls said.

"Oh, really?" Rafe narrowed his eyes to a slit and smirked.


Dad approached us and wagged his finger at us. "Enough. I won't have you duking it out before the weddings. Not when I'm paying for them."

My brothers grumbled as Romeo eased himself into the floor and winced. Ma handed Dad some pillows. Dad unlocked the cell and helped Romeo before relocking it.

"Thanks," Romeo said.

I glanced at Romeo and noticed blood on the back of his shirt. "Romeo's bleeding."

"What?" Dad asked.

"Unlock the door, Elias," Ma said.

Dad unlocked the door for Ma.

She helped Romeo with his shirt and noticed some wounds had opened. "Romeo needs medical attention."

"I can help since I did a rotation in the burn unit," Bailey said.

My parents nodded in agreement and helped Romeo from the cell. They took him upstairs with Bailey trailing them.

My brothers and I glanced at each other and sighed. I refused to get married unless my brothers were all present. They better pray Romeo is better in time for the wedding.


Tori and I helped Romeo upstairs and got him situated. Tori found the first aid kit and handed it to Bailey. She cleaned Romeo's bleeding wounds and applied ointment.

"How is he?" Tori asked Bailey.

"Romeo should be fine if he rests. New skin takes time to heal after skin grafts. But he will need his back cleaned twice daily and ointment applied. It will keep his back from getting an infection," Bailey said.

We heard thumping up the stairs before Val appeared in the doorway.

"How did you get loose?" I asked.

"I had Kadia free me," Val said. "How is Romeo doing?"

"Bailey is cleaning his wounds and applying ointment. But your brother needs to rest," Tori said.

Val nodded in agreement.

"You're all set." Bailey discarded the trash into the garbage can and left.

The Harper Family: Second Chances (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now