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We called a truce since we're stuck here for a while. I avoided Ricardo like the plague. If he came into a room, I left it. Why stick around when he made it clear his job was more important than me?

I know it's selfish to think that way. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to be selfish for once.

Dexter found me wandering around the woods. "Why are you hanging out with the woodland creatures? You're not Snow White. Seven little men won't offer you shelter."

I glanced at Dexter and rolled my eyes. "You've been hanging out with a three-year-old for too long."

"I enjoy hanging out with Julia. At least she's honest."

"And lacks a filter."

"She's still honest." Dexter shrugged.

"Maybe you should take some pointers from her since you got us into this stupid mess."

"Wait. Hold up. I'll admit I screwed up with Chelsea. But you wanted to go to that party because you had the hots for Joshua. How the hell did you meet him in the first place?"

"I went to 7-11 to grab a Slurpee. I bumped into him on my way out. We talked."

"So, you developed a crush on someone you barely know? Sounds about right." Dexter gave me a suspicious look.

"I was fifteen. What do you expect?"

"Did it seem odd an older guy would take an interest in you?"

"Dexter, what fifteen-year-old would think otherwise? It's not like our brains function properly at that age. Cute guy showing interest. Why wouldn't I jump on that?"

"The same guy that put Rafe on a vent. Yeah, he was a real prize." Dexter rolled his eyes.

"Wait. Who told you that?"

"Wow, you are dumb. The whole family knew about what Joshua did to Rafe."

"I didn't know."

"Uncle Grayson didn't tell you?"

I shook my head. "No. It's not like my dad discusses his cases at home."

"Well, my dad told us after he talked to Nate. He said to steer clear of a guy named Joshua."

"If that's true, how was Joshua walking around scot-free?"

"Maybe he had a good lawyer. Your dad isn't the only one that finds ways around the law. It surprises me he still has a law degree with how many times he spent in the clink."

I gave Dexter an annoyed expression.

"So, what's up with you and the secret agent, man?"

"Nothing. Ricardo made it clear his job is more important than me."

"Or Ricardo's torn between his job and you."


"Marla was the same way."

"What do you mean?"

"Marla was Julia's nanny. It took much convincing to get Marla to agree to date me."

"Don't you mean you used a toddle to persuade Marla to date you?"

Dexter rolled his eyes in annoyance.

If I knew my cousin, he would use any means necessary to date a chick. I wouldn't put it past Dexter to use his kid.


Since we called a truce, Keaton has avoided me like the plague. I sat at the kitchen island with Marla while we ate.

"Are things always tense between you and guys that you like?" Marla asked me.

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