Part One

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"Louis hun, please don't ask questions just do as you're told" Louis mum Sophia tells him urgently as she gathers some gadgets and weapons into a backpack.

"Mum, it's the middle of the night, what's going on?" Louis asks again, trying to make sense of what's happening.

"Louis, listen to your mother, we don't have much time" Louis dad Luke tells him.

Louis is standing in front of his parents in the kitchen, in his navy blue pyjamas and white socks on his feet. The clock on the microwave reads 12:45am.

"This makes no sense, I don't understand" Louis says desperately.

"We don't have much time to explain, just know that we are sorry... and what you are going to find out, what you hear, please just understand that we love you, that everything we did was to protect you" Sophia tells him as her eyes well up.

"Mum please" Louis says as he sheds a tear, his heart is pounding so loud, he thinks it might burst out of his chest.

He was woken by hurried voices and panic, Louis made his way to the kitchen to find his parents gathering guns and equipment. He's so confused.

"Louis, take this, when you get to the neighbours, call this number and say the words exactly as they appear on this piece of paper" Luke tells him and the seriousness in his voice gets Louis listening straight away.

"What are you going to do?" Louis asks, scared out of his mind.

"There's people coming, they are nearly here, we were ambushed, they are outside right now, you need to go to the top floor, to your room and climb down the drainpipe, head to the Andersons through the back fence, don't let anyone see you Louis, go quickly and quietly" Sophia tells him hurriedly

They then hear a car door slam and Louis looks at his parents worriedly.

"Do as we've asked bud, we love you okay" Luke says as he kisses Louis on the head.

"We will always love you Louis" Sophia tells him as she too gives him one last kiss.

They hear the garden gate open

"Go" Luke commands and Louis takes the piece of paper offered, turns around and runs.

Louis heart is beating so fast, he's so scared. He reaches the second story of the house and hears  the front door open, shouts and a gunshot ring out, he doesn't turn around to see what's happening though, to scared of what he might see. He makes his way as quietly as he can to his room, he opens the window and climbs down the drainpipe.

He then hears more gunshots and yelling, he runs to the back of the yard, he turns around to face the back of the house and sees his mother with a gun being held to her head. Louis then sees his dad being shot by someone, his breath hitches and he holds in his scream, he turns and he runs as fast as he can to the neighbours house.

When he gets to the house he knocks on the back door over and over but no one is home.

Louis knows the Andersons well enough to know where they hide their spare key, he finds the key to the back door under the first plant pot. He rushes to unlock the door, he moves inside and closes the door quickly, his breathing heavy.

Louis then opens the blinds slowly and checks to make sure he wasn't followed, he doesn't see anyone thankfully, so he goes to find the Andersons home phone.

Louis leaves the lights off, finds the phone in the kitchen, the moonlight creeping through the glass doors is enough to make out what's written on the piece of paper. He shakily dials the numbers. It's a 12 digit number and he hopes to god it actually works, he's never heard of a 12 digit number before.

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