Part Sixteen

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"Troy Austin, ran for government back when you were first elected James, he wasn't very popular in the polls. Made a lot of political moves that weren't received well, he lost an election against you back before Drew was even born" Ben tells the room.

Everyone, including Drew, Edward and Andy are present.

"We think he's had a vendetta against you James, since the early days. He is part of an anti-government group in the UK and is trying to bring you down. He's been after Louis for all these years because he's thought Louis was his son. His aim is to destroy you and Johanna and your careers and life. Louis is how he wants to do that" Harry says.

"They want the public to know that Johanna had an affair, and that you kept his son from him. He thinks this information being made public will destroy your career....... they also......" Scott starts.

"Also?" James asks, scared of the answer.

"They also.... want to.... kill Louis, in the hopes it destroys your lives" Scott finishes quietly.

Everyone reacts and hangs their heads; tears are shed as everyone tries to keep composure.

"He's not even his son" Johanna says through her tears.

"We won't let them do this, we know where Louis is, we just need to find him" Harry says.

"Louis doesn't deserve this" Johanna says.

"We're heading out now, we will find him and bring him home safely" Harry tells them.

"Boys, please, he means the world to all of us" James says pleadingly.

"We know, he means the world to us too and we won't let them take him again" Scott says, before he and Harry are out the door to meet the team and bring Louis home.

"This is wild, how could someone do this to an innocent kid" Drew asks when it's just the family left in the room.

"I'm so sorry boys" Joanna says as she wipes her tears.

"What for, this isn't your fault mum. At all" Edward says.

"We're the ones who are sorry, we didn't know what you went through, we're so sorry you had to go through that" Andy says.

"It was a long time ago boys, and you all got me through, even though you didn't know. Your father was and still is my rock and Louis just made everything worth it all. He was our miracle" Jo says.

"I don't want him to be taken away again" Drew says vulnerably.

James moves to hug Drew and comfort him.

"Harry and Scott will find him" James says determined.

"They love him" Andy says with a teary chuckle.

"They do, and they will bring him home to us" Joanna says.

They all hug each other in a big family hug and pray this is all over soon.


Louis is on the verge of giving up, his body is so sore. He's left alone in the room though and he rolls over on the bed. He needs to get out of this mess and figure out what's going on. He doesn't believe for a second, he's this guy's son.

Louis gathers all his strength and sits up, he winces in pain, he's covered in dry blood and is so sore, but he tries to push through. He reaches for his ankle, his hands still tied together, and tries with all his might to get the metal cuff off his ankle.

He has no luck but follows the chain to the bolts on the wall, they wall isn't sturdy and as he pulls hard on the chain the bolts seem to move on the wall. Louis pulls hard and the bolts loosen and come away from the wall. Louis keeps trying over and over and eventually the chain gives out and comes away from the wall.

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