Part Nine

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Louis wakes up alone in Scott and Harry's bed, the clock reads 8:52

Louis stretches and gets up to go to breakfast and find Harry and Scott, he should probably apologise for waking them up. As Louis gets up, he sees one of Scott's black hoodies on the chair in the corner, he goes over and puts it on. It smells of Harry and Scott and Louis loves it.

He slowly opens the door and unfortunately sees both Jax and Jeremy and no sign of Harry and Scott.

"Good sleep?" Jeremy says his tone completely stoic.

Louis doesn't answer and instead walks straight past him. He's pulled back though, by his arm.

Jeremy pulls him back into Harry and Scott's room, Jax closing the door, acting like he didn't see anything.

"You tell anyone about this, your brothers will pay the price, understand" Jeremy says, and he pulls Louis closer by the arm, leaving a bruise.

"You're going to ruin this family Louis, you don't deserve to be here and were given away for a reason, you're not welcome back here.... remember that" Jeremy all but snarls at Louis.

Louis pulls his arm out of Jeremy's grip and rubs it as he watches Jeremy smirk at him, push him harshly and leave the room.

Louis wipes a tear he didn't realise had fallen. He doesn't understand why Jeremy is being so mean or what he's done. He contemplates telling Harry and Scott or his parents, but with the threats happening he doesn't want to put anyone in danger. He decides to skip breakfast and head back to his room for a shower.

"Louis?" He hears his name called as Harry and Scott knock on his bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Louis calls quietly.

Harry and Scott enter Louis room and see him freshly showered in sweats and a sweater. Looking adorable.

"We need to start getting you ready for the media conference today, your tailor has brought in a suit" Scott says.

"Tailor?" Louis asks confused; he'd completely forgotten about the conference.

"Yeah, you have a private Tailor for things like this now, here" Harry says smiling as he hands over a suit bag to Louis.

He takes it curiously.

"We will be outside if you need us" Scott says.

Louis nods and goes to get ready; he puts the suit on and just looks at himself in the mirror, he styles his hair but feels so uncomfortable in the black suit and tie. He contemplates taking his jacket off, then his tie, but he doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

He then remembers though, what his brothers and his parents said he used to be like, they want him to be himself, so Louis takes a bit breath and takes the jacket and tie off and rolls his white shirt to his elbows, he feels so much more comfortable. He hopes his parents aren't upset with him.

When he makes his way out of his room, Harry and Scott are standing outside his door waiting for him. They take Louis in, and their breath gets caught in their throat, Louis is absolutely stunning. Louis looks to Harry and Scott and their reactions, he blushes.

"Do I look okay" he asks worriedly.

"You, look amazing sweetheart" Harry tells him.

Louis blushes and Harry and Scott smirk, they love painting Louis cheeks pink, he's absolutely gorgeous.

"You ready?" Scott then asks smiling.

"Not really" Louis chuckles

The boys smile and lead him down the hallway and to the front of the house where he meets everyone, ready to leave.

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