Part Three

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"Louis Schofield?" Harry asks as they find Louis standing out the front of his house, watching the police and ambulance go in and out.

Louis turns towards Harry.

Harry and Scott have to hold in their gasp, Louis is stunning, absolutely gorgeous, his big blue eyes so innocent, his mousy brown hair swept over his forehead. He's tiny and just so delicate and beautiful, they are stunned until they bring themselves back to reality.

"Yeah" Louis says, his voice just above a whisper, his eyes are red rimmed and he looks as though he's been crying.

"I'm Special Agent Scott Wolf and this is Special Agent Harry Styles" Scott says as he and Harry hold up their badges.

"You're the ones from the phone?" Louis asks

He gets a slight smile in return

"We are, we have a safe place to take you until we can sort some things out" Harry says.

Louis looks at them and the boys can tell he's scared. Harry and Scott can't help but notice how much Louis looks like Drew, the sharp cheekbones and the way he furrows his eyebrows.

"What kind of a safe place?" Louis asks unsure

"A hotel, we can get you some clothes and anything else you'll need when we get there" Scott says.

Although Louis doesn't know what's going on, he knows his parents were just murdered and something big is going on. He has so many questions and doesn't even know where to begin or what to think.

" something going to happen to me?" Louis asks so innocently.

"Not while we're around" Harry says with authority and reassurance.

Louis looks them in the eyes and for some reason feels safe in their presence. He takes a deep breath and nods

"Okay" Louis says shyly.

Harry and Scott reach out for Louis and he walks forward, they flag Louis, one on either side and lead him to their unmarked police rover.

Louis is in a daze, Harry helps him into the rover and buckles him in, he and Scott then get into the front.

"Strider on board" Scott says into his radio

Louis looks towards Harry and Scott in the front but doesn't say anything, he just doesn't understand what's going on.

Harry starts the car and they begin their drive, Louis looks out the window, trying to hold in his tears, he's just trying to take everything in.

"Okay back there?" Scott asks

"Yeah" Louis practically whispers

"Are you hurt at all Louis?" Harry asks gently

Louis takes a minute to acknowledge his body and if he's hurt

"No...I'm ok" He replies

He then brings his knees up to his chest and hugs them close

"Your knee is bleeding bud" Scott says as he turns around to face Louis.

Louis looks at Scott and then straightens his leg back out to see his knee, his pyjamas are ripped and there's a deep gash covering the knee cap, he can't even remember falling over.

"I'm fine" Louis says

"We will patch you up when we get to the hotel" Harry says

"How long....Will I be there for?" Louis asks

"We're not sure kid, there's a lot more to this than we thought and we just need to keep you with us for a while" Scott says.

"I'm 17, nearly a legal adult, I don't want to go to the state, I don't understand why you care where I go or if I'm safe. I just literally lost my parents, I don't think this is protocol. Im pretty sure you're supposed to leave me to clean up the mess and organise their funerals" Louis says a little frustrated.

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