Part Eight

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Louis feels so happy after the soccer game and after he's had a shower, he goes to head down to dinner. Harry and Scott went to a security brief in James's office.

Louis is on his way down to the dining room when he's pushed into a wall and he hits his shoulder, the one that Andy stitched up from the bullet graze.

He winces before he's pushed further into the wall.

"Watch where you're hear me" a voice says evilly to him.

He's then let go and Louis watches as Jeremy, one of his dad's security staff walks away. Louis rubs his arm, it hurts badly. He tries to process what just happened but has no idea why Jeremy would do that, maybe it was an accident.

He heads to dinner trying to shake it off, his shoulder really hurting.

He walks into everyone already sitting around the table, Harry and Scott included.

"You okay?" Harry asks Louis as he sits down between him and Scott.

Louis just nods and doesn't look at Harry, Harry and Scott share a look above Louis head.

Dinner is served and chatter goes on around the table, Louis manages a few mouthfuls before he's playing with his food.

"So, we've planned the media conference for Tomorrow, and only media is permitted" James tells everyone.

Everyone looks to Louis to see his reaction.

"Is it still okay that I don't say anything?" Louis says.

"Of course, Hun" Joanna tells him lovingly.

Louis nods, everyone goes back to eating, Harry and Scott keeping their eye on Louis.

After dinner Harry and Scott walk Louis back to his room, they both notice Louis subconsciously rubbing at his shoulder.

"Is your shoulder okay Lou?" Scott asks as they stop outside Louis door.

"Huh?" Louis asks absentmindedly.

"Your looks sore" Harry says as he reaches out to Louis shoulder, Louis flinches away.

"Hey Lou, sweetheart, I would never hurt you" Harry says gently.

"I.... I know sorry..." Louis says.

"Your shoulder is sore isn't it" Scott says.

"Yeah" Louis says defeated.

"What happened" Harry asks as he reaches out again, Louis doesn't flinch this time.

"Um...I ran into the wall accidentally" Louis panics and says.

Harry and Scott share a look.

"Okay let me look" Harry says.

"I'm fine Harry" Louis says as he opens his bedroom door and walks into the room.

"Louis, we haven't known you that long, but we know you pretty well, I'm fine means you're not, now sit on the bed please" Scott says dominantly as he and Harry follow Louis into the room.

Louis looks to Scott and swallows thickly, he's so hot right now and his authority does something to Louis, his belly tingles. He listens though and sits on the bed.

Harry and Scott sit on either side and Harry reaches out and lifts Louis sleeve up, he sees a huge purple bruise across Louis shoulder.

"Woah, Lou, that looks painful bud" Harry says sympathetically.

"I'm okay promise" Louis tells him.

"We might have to go see Andy; he might have some cream you can put on it to help the bruising. He should probably check if you've done any damage to your shoulder" Scott says.

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