Part Eleven

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Louis runs, his first instinct is to run, far from Jeremy and Jax. It's when he reaches a small park in the middle of nowhere that he slows down and begins to think it wasn't such a good idea to run. He looks around and sees a few houses near the park but that's about it. He walks towards the park where a few older kids are playing on the swings and sits down on the park bench. He brings his knees to his chest and holds back his tears; he has no idea what to do or how to contact anyone.

Harry and Scott drive through the streets of London, with no luck finding Louis.

"He can't have gone too far" Harry says.

"He's pretty fast H, and he was scared" Scott says.

Harry sighs

"Do you think Jeremy might be the one who gave him the bruise?" Harry asks.

"Maybe, I've never seen Louis act like that, he was terrified and not just about leaving us, it was definitely something else" Scott says.

Harry doesn't have time to reply as their phone goes off, Scott looks at the caller ID before he presses call accept on the dash.

"Mr. Prime Minister" Scott says.

"Boys, what the hell is going on?" James's voice fills the car.

"Louis has run off, but we will find him, we're looking for him now" Harry says with regret.

"Harry, Jeremy said Louis was being difficult, that you wouldn't let him go with them safely? Who gave the order?" James asks angrily.

"Sir, with all due respect, that's not entirely true, we weren't informed of anything, we called back to base, and it was confirmed that you had given the order, Louis was terrified though James, he wouldn't go" Harry says.

"I never gave that order" James says.

"Jeremy will never be near Louis ever again" Scott says with venom.

"Find him, please boys" James says vulnerably.

"We will, we will keep in touch" Harry says, and he ends the call.

"Jeremy is a slime ball, he's a rat" Scott seethes.

"We won't let him near Louis" Harry says angrily.

As they round the corner they come to a quiet street with a park, what they see though makes their blood run cold. Louis is running from Jeremy, Jax and a car with two other men inside.

Louis is sitting on the park bench, when he looks up, he sees none other than Jeremy and Jax making their way towards him. He sees a black car behind them, their men following them in the car.

Louis has no idea how they found him, his heart rate accelerates, and he jumps up, turns around and runs through the park, Jeremy and Jax taking chase. He sees the road up ahead and if he gets there first, he can hopefully flag a car down. Louis is fast but Jeremy grabs him as he enters the road. He's lifted up in the air around the waist.

"Let me go" Louis yells as he struggles with all his might.

"Stop struggling, you're ours now" Jeremy says evilly.

Louis then throws his head back and manages to clip Jeremy in the nose hard. Louis head spins but he's let go, he falls to the ground as the car with Jeremy and Jax's men pulls up beside them. Louis doesn't have time to get his bearings, he's up and running as Jeremy and Jax get into the car to follow him. They don't make it far though as Harry and Scott's car slams into the side of their car, causing damage and stopping them from going after Louis.

Louis doesn't realise it's Harry and Scott's car though and he turns to run.

As he turns though, he collides straight into an oncoming car, and is tossed up onto the bonnet of the car, up the windshield and then back on the ground. He's hurt, but not terribly, he tries to push himself up and eventually succeeds. He hears his name called and sees Harry and Scott driving towards him. The rear car door is opened, and he hurriedly gets inside, thankfully. Harry drives off and Louis looks behind them to see Jeremy and Jax and their men furious and stuck.

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