Part Seven

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The next week Louis spends at the house, just getting to know the family and how things work and how his life will basically be. It's a crash course in being the Prime Minister's son and he's trying to navigate everything as best he can. The bond between his brothers and himself seems to have never broken, it's strong and Louis feels safe and like he can be himself around them. He lets them coddle him and dote on him and he loves it. Joanna and James have been harder to let in, he's trying his hardest and knows they love him. It's just hard.

"Hey kiddo, come in, take a seat" James tells him as Louis knocks on his office door. Harry and Scott wait outside the door.

"You wanted to see me?" Louis asks, his voice slightly guarded as he sits down on the plush chair opposite James's desk.

"I did, your mother and I would like to chat about a few things" James says smiling.

Louis looks behind him as his mum enters the room, she's just beautiful and is so kind, Louis wonders what it would be like having grown up with her.

"Hello darling boy" Joanna says as she kisses Louis head and takes her spot beside James.

They are both so clean cut and expensive looking, but they just exude a wonderful energy that Louis finds himself wanting to be around.

"We were hoping to chat about school moving forward and what you think you would like to do moving forward" James says.

"We know this seems really sudden and we aren't wanting to pressure you, we understand your entire world has been turned upside down Lou, and if we could give you more time we would, however..." Joanna tells him, cutting off at the end,

"I'm the Prime Ministers Son" Louis finishes for her.

They both look at Louis regretfully; they know this is hard.

"I.... don't want to go to school" Louis says.

"Honey, you're only 17" Joanna says.

"I finished school in Switzerland, I was planning my university degree" Louis says.

"We know but your name was Louis Schofield throughout your education, we are trying to sort it out, but it might be easier to just do your final year again" Joanna says.

"But I topped my whole school, my grades were flawless" Louis says.

"What did you want to do at University Lou?" James then asks, sensing Louis is getting upset.

"I.... wanted to do architecture" Louis says.

He knows it's probably not the career choice his parents would have led him towards had he grown up in the spotlight. Andy works for the secret service, Edward is in politics, following in James's footsteps and Drew is a lawyer.

"If that's what you want to do Lou, then we support that. We don't expect you to follow in our footsteps or anything, we support you doing what makes you happy" Joanna says.

Louis releases a breath of relief he didn't realise he was holding.

"Lou honey, we aren't trying to control you, we want you to know that sweetheart, you're our son and we want our boys to do whatever makes them happy, if architecture is your passion, we want you to follow it. We will support you in everything" Joanna tells him.

Louis eyes well up.

"I'm sorry" Louis says as he wipes a tear off his cheek that falls.

"What for bud?" James asks.

"Those people, Sophia, and Luke, they hurt you, and I feel so guilty for loving them, but they were all I knew as parents. I didn't know and I don't know why I didn't know. I should have known. I don't look anything like them, they never hugged me like you do, and I've only been back like two weeks. You've shown me more love in that time than they did, and I just thought it was normal. I hate them for taking me away from you, but I still love them" Louis says as he lets more tears escape.

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