Part Four

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Andy stitches Louis up while he's out and Harry puts Louis down in one of the hotel rooms, tucks him in and closes the door, he makes it to the kitchen. Scott and Andy are standing there, Andy watching on as Scott makes tea. It's silent.

When Harry walks in Scott passes him and Andy their tea and they look at each other in sympathy

"I don't care about protocol right now boys, as my friends, as our best friends please....tell me the truth" Andy says

Scott and Harry sigh

"We don't know Ands, we don't know for sure" Harry says

"Harry, he's the spitting image of Drew, it's like I'm looking at Drew when he was 16, he also looks like me and Edward" Andy says unbelievingly

"We know, when we first saw him we thought we were looking at Drew, but we haven't been told for sure, we're just waiting for Ben to get here to
fill us in" Harry says

"You can't say anything to anyone Andy, not until we get the all clear and Louis knows himself, he literally has no idea" Scott says

"He has no idea? None?" Andy asks

"Absolutely none, he thinks the two agents that died were his real parents, we haven't had a chance to talk to him either" Scott says

"Do we know who's after him? Who killed the two agents?" Andy asks

"No, not yet, we don't even know why they went rogue and then when it came down to the last minute, why they got Louis to call us to help" Harry says

Andy sighs

"I have to go, I have a few meetings today, and you two should get some sleep" Andy says

"We will call you when we can Ands, we promise" Scott says

Andy nods

"Just....keep him safe... please, I don't want to lose him again" Andy says, his tone holding so much emotion.

"Of course Andy, you have our word" Harry tells him with intention.

When Andy leaves, Harry and Scott head to the couch, they want to sleep where they can hear if Louis wakes or something happens.

They all get a good seven hours sleep before Harry and Scott wake up to Louis trying to exit through the hotel door and being stopped by the agents at the door.

"I'm sorry Louis, we can't let you leave" Charlie tries to tell him

"Why not, I don't want to be here" Louis says upset

"Louis?" Scott says as he and Harry come up behind him

"Sorry boys" Harry says as he wakes up more

"No problem, sorry kid" Joey says as he closes the door

"Look, Lou, we know this is frustrating but you know you can't leave and it would really make our life easier if you could just humour us for a while" Scott says with a slight smile.

Louis sighs,

"I'm sorry, I just.....I'm so confused" Louis says

"We know kiddo, we're sorry you're dragged into this" Harry says.

"Can you tell me what 'this' is?" Louis asks

"We're just waiting on our boss to come in and fill us all in, he should be here within the hour and we can explain everything" Harry reassures

"And then I can go home?" Louis asks.

"We don't know Louis, but like Scott and I told you on the phone, we're here with you and we will be here through this all, you have our word" Harry says sincerely.

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