Part Two

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Harry and Scott are the head of special forces, secret service agents that work directly with the protection details for the Prime Minister. They lead a tight team and at 26 are extremely talented and high up in their field.

Harry is tall, about 6'4 with tattoos and muscles, he's fit and like Scott can kill several men with his bare hands. Harry has brown slightly curly hair and deep green eyes.

Scott is similar height and stature to Harry, at 26 he and Harry climbed the ranks as a team, Scott also has tattoos, brown hair and eyes grey. Harry and Scott are also in a relationship, and have been for six years. 

Scott and Harry have taken the night shift to cover a few of their team who were assigned to a case that finishes up tomorrow.

They are all sitting around the board room, planning out the route the Prime Minister and his wife will be taking home from their ball tomorrow night.

Suddenly, the phone in the corner of the room rings....the phone that's dedicated to the secret service for their top secret operations. If the phone rings it's important and somethings gone wrong on a mission.

Harry and Scott clear the room, apart from two of their most trusted agents, Charlie and Joey. 

"Go ahead" Scott says as he answers

What they don't expect is an innocent kid to be on the other line.

When he gives them the correct code words and secret messages, Harry and Scott know the call is legit and they need to help this kid.

The poor thing sounds terrified and Harry and Scott do everything they can to reassure him from the other end of a phone. Charlie and Joey pull up a computer and start researching who Louis and his parents are and what mission they are on.

When Louis is safe with an officer they all breathe a sigh of relief... until the Prime Ministers chief of staff Ben, enters the room.

"Boys, we need you on scene, Harry, Scott, we're pulling you in for this mission, we need you on this one" Ben says direct

"What's going on?" Harry asks

"What mission were these guys on?" Scott asks confused

"Sophia and Luke Schofield were assigned a case 13 years ago, and afterwards they went rogue, we've been trying to find them ever since. They have extremely high up connections and we haven't been able to find them. They skipped the country and were only detected back a few months ago. We weren't the only ones looking for them though, there have been terrorists on the look out too and it seems they found them first" Ben tells everyone

Harry and Scott are confused and Harry moves his hands to his hips trying to take it all in.

"What did the terrorists want with them?" Scott asks

"And why would they go rogue without the protection of the Secret Service" Harry wonders

Ben sighs

"Listen, this is all completely top secret okay, this absolutely can't get out to the public until this is all figured out.... do you understand?" Ben says seriously.

"Of course" Harry and Scott say

"17 years ago, the now Prime Minister James Tomlinson and his wife Johanna had their fourth son. James was starting out his political career and was gaining popularity, he started out as Mayor and there were a lot of people he rubbed up the wrong way with a certain political move he was trying to push through. Their youngest son was only four years old when his life was threatened and there was an attack on the family" Ben says

"I remember that, I read about it. Why their youngest son though? Drew, Edward and Andy were young too, why weren't they threatened?" Harry asks

James has been the prime minister for the last two terms, 8 years and has a high chance of being re elected next year. He's extremely popular and well loved. James and Johanna have three sons, Andy whose 27, Edward who's 26 and Drew who's 25. Harry and Scott are very familiar with the boys and have been best friends with them all for years. They are a beautiful family, so close and protective of each other.

"We don't know, but Sophia and Luke Schofield  were given the mission to take Louis into protection until we could take down the threat" Ben says

"And what? They decided to go rogue and kidnap the Prime Ministers son, to keep him?" Scott asks in complete disbelief

"They refused to give him back, said they could keep him safe better than anyone. They went dark, completely off the raider, with the help from  some people in the Prime Ministers office. Those agents were found out, but they never gave up any information on the whereabouts of the Schofield's" Ben says.

"Holy shit, so....the kid who called us tonight, that's the Prime Ministers son, who's been missing for 13 years?" Harry says, his voice unbelieving.

"Running Bear was the assignment.... and Strider was Louis code name" Ben says

"Does Louis know any of this?" Scott asks

"No, and we need to make sure he's safe first before we even think about telling him or the Prime Minister" Ben says.

The boys have so many questions, but they need to deal with the first problem at hand, getting Louis safe. 

"Okay, we will go get him and bring him in" Harry says.

"I'm sending you to a safe house, I'd like you to be his protection detail for the time being" Ben says

Scott and Harry nod, they know this is big, this could be one of the biggest fuck ups in secret service history and they need to make sure they do their job and protect Louis at all costs.

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