Part Thirteen

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"We think it's best to postpone" Ben tells the room as they are having a security de brief in regard to Louis starting university.

"He's going to be crushed" James says.

"What if we up his security, Harry and Scott by his side and another four guards throughout the grounds" Charlie asks.

"That could work if Louis was open to it, it's not exactly the most inconspicuous way to start university though" Ben says.

"As long as Harry and Scott are with him, I don't think he will mind too much" James says smiling causing Harry and Scott to blush.

"Maybe we should ask Louis, I know he's said he's okay after what happened last week, but Harry and I don't think he is" Scott says.

"Has he said something?" James asks.

Even though Louis and he have become allot closer, James knows Louis might not want to say anything to worry himself and Jo.

"He doesn't have to; he's been coming in every night. Wanting to sleep near us. He won't admit it, but he's scared" Harry says.

James sighs, he doesn't want Louis carrying this burden.

"Andy has said his colleague Kimberly, she's a trauma Counsellor, has agreed to see Louis if he's open to it. I just haven't wanted to pressure him into anything" James says.

"I think it's a good idea to ask him, I think he would really benefit from it" Harry says.

There's then a knock on the office door.

"Come in Louis" James calls.

James asked Louis to meet them in the office for the end of their meeting.

Louis opens the door; he walks in but stops when he sees all eyes on him.

"It's okay kiddo, come in" James says kindly,

Louis makes his way over to the chair opposite James's desk, next to Ben's. Everyone is dressed in suits and ties, while Louis has his sweats and a sweater on.

Louis is still sore, and Harry and Scott resist the urge to help him sit down.

"How are you holding up kiddo" Ben asks, smiling at Louis.

"Oh, I'm fine" Louis says smiling a little

"We were just talking about your university" James tells him.

"Can I still go?" Louis asks.

Everyone looks to each other.

"If you still want to, we can put things in place so you can still attend" James says.

"Will safe?" Louis asks shyly.

"Of course, we will have everything in place Lou" Ben tells him.

"And what about Harry and Scott?" Louis asks as he looks to them quickly and then back to Ben and James.

"What about Harry and Scott?" Ben asks carefully.

"Will they be safe too?" Louis asks.

"We're there to keep you safe Lou" Scott says.

"But I don't....I don't want anything to happen to you either" Louis says.

"Nothing will, Lou, we promise" Ben says.

"Are you any closer to finding them?" Louis asks.

It's silent for a few seconds.

"Now that we know Jeremy is involved, we have new leads, we will find these people Lou" Ben says firmly.

" then what will I still need security all the time?" Louis asks.

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