Part Seventeen

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Louis is taken to a private hospital in London, the entire top floor is dedicated to highly important people, including the royal family. Louis will be given the best treatment away from the public.

Louis is whisked away for assessment, and everyone is told to wait in the private waiting room. When Harry and Scott enter, they see the boys and Joanna and James, they are beside themselves with worry.

"Boys, is he okay?" Joanna begs as they all gather in the room.

"He's.... He's okay, he's in shock and was shot in the leg. They stabilised him though, but that's all we know" Harry tells everyone.

"Thank you both, for saving him" James says.

Drew, Edward, and Andy all move forward to hug Harry and Scott close, thankful for them but knowing this must be difficult for them to process as well.

It's a long three hour wait before the doctor comes out.

"Sammy" Andy says relieved when he sees who the Doctor looking after Louis is, Andy and Sammy have just started a relationship and Andy trusts her impeccably.

Sammy smiles at Andy and they hug.

"Is Louis okay?" Andy then asks.

"He's stable, we had to take him to theatre to remove the bullet and fix some internal bleeding. We had to remove his spleen to control the bleeding but as soon as we did, he stabilised. He's got some broken ribs and bad bruising; he's going to be sore and is on high dose pain relief, but he will be okay" Sammy explains.

Everyone sags in relief.

"Thank god" Harry says.

He and Scott hug each other close.

"Can we see him?" Drew asks.

"Of course, he hasn't woken from surgery yet, but we aren't keeping him under, he will be a bit groggy and tired so he will sleep a lot" Sammy tells everyone.

"That's okay, we just need to be next to him" James says.

Sammy nods in understanding and leads everyone to Louis private room.

When they enter, they see Louis in a bed, oxygen in his nose and drips and monitors everywhere, he looks so small.

The room is big, and everyone quietly makes their way in. Joanna is by Louis side instantly, holding his hand.

Harry and Scott hang back a little knowing Louis' family need to be close right now, they wish they could scoop him up and never let him go again, but they will wait.

James sits on Louis other side and Drew and Edward sit on the bed, Andy standing at the end of the bed.

"He's so small" Drew says.

"He is, he was always so tiny" Johanna says with a teary chuckle.

"He's going to be sore when he comes to" Andy says regretfully as he looks over Louis face and the bruises present.

"When he was little, he used to get so clingy when he was unwell, wouldn't leave my side" Johanna says.

"He's grown up as an only child, to be independent, he's been taught not to rely on anyone, so he might try to handle everything alone" Edward says.

"He's never going to go through anything alone ever again" James says determined.

"Harry and Scott, he's going to need you both" Joanna says smiling.

"We will be there for him, do whatever it takes to help him through this" Harry says seriously.

"We won't leave his side" Scott says.

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