Part Five

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"Please Ben, just let me see him"

Louis hears the voice from inside his room in the hotel, he freezes, he knows who it is instantly and his heart rate picks up.

"I can't let you in there Mr Prime Minister" Ben says.

"Don't call me that Ben, Jesus" James nearly yells.

He's pacing back and forth on the lounge of the hotel, Harry and Scott watch on.

"How did you even know where he was?" Ben asks.

"I'm the fucking Prime Minister Ben, now let me see my son" James says forcefully.

Louis is so scared but when he hears James voice and the hurt behind his words his body moves.

Louis sneaks out of the room and to the lounge, where he sees James, disheveled and worried, his suit jacket off, his dress shirt pushed to his elbows. He looks so much like him and Louis swallows hard.

James senses movement and looks toward the entryway to the lounge, he sees Louis and his breath hitches, he's so small, tiny and beautiful and looks so much like Drew. James chokes on his sob.

He rushes over and Louis doesn't move

"Louis" he whispers and Louis own tears come, he's so overwhelmed.

James drops to his knees so he's level with Louis, face to face

Louis remains quiet as James reaches out his hand and brushes his fingers over Louis cheek.

"You're here" James says as he sniffs.

Louis just nods

"You're so small" James says with a smile.

Louis doesn't answer he just takes James face in, he's so handsome and looks so kind and caring, but his parents always hated James and Louis is wary, he knows Sophia and Luke lied about his entire life but Louis just doesn't know what to believe.

"I didn't know" is what comes out of Louis mouth in a choked whisper, he doesn't know why he feels the need to reassure James that he had no idea he was taken or that James was his father

James's eyes and whole facial expression soften.

"I know buddy, we know, none of this is your fault kiddo, absolutely none. I'm so sorry you lost them and I'm so sorry you're finding everything  out like this, I just needed to see you, to make sure it was you" James says so sincerely.

Louis doesn't know what comes over him, he doesn't know why but he leans forward and hugs James tightly, James instantly hugs Louis and they both cry in each others arms.

"Where is he?" They all hear and Louis pulls back and sees a women come rushing into the room, she's absolutely beautiful with long dark hair, she's dressed in a black dress and looks expensive but so kind. She sees Louis and James and runs towards them, she engulfs Louis in the biggest hug he's ever experienced. She holds him so tightly and Louis sinks into her smell, it's so comforting and wonderful and Louis just lets her hold him as they all make it to the floor in each others arms.

Eventually they pull back Louis face is red rimmed.

"My beautiful boy" Johanna says as he cups Louis cheek.

Louis doesn't say a single word, just trying to take it all in, he's so overwhelmed. He admits he feels so safe and has small flashes of memories with these people and he's so happy they are here but he's confused. Sophia and Luke, Louis knows loved him, but they weren't so overly affectionate like the Tomlinson's are being.

Louis starts getting upset and he pulls back abruptly.

"Louis, angel" Johanna tries.

Harry, Scott and Ben have been watching on with so much emotion.

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