Part Six

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It's literally like moving the president of the United States. Louis is completely guarded on his way to the underground carpark. Harry and Scott flagging him, but they are in work mode. He has about 10 other guards leading him to the car. When Louis is sitting in the black four-wheel drive, Scott and Harry are in the back with him, he turns to Scott.

"Is this my life now?" He asks.

Scott smiles sympathetically at him

"For the time being, yeah," Scott says.

Louis sighs and looks out the window as the car makes its way through the London streets.

When they pull up to the Tomlinson house, Louis mouth drops open, it's massive and just beautiful, an English estate on rolling green hills.

"I'm scared" Louis sighs out as the car comes to a stop.

"Don't be, we're here and these are the nicest people you'll ever meet Lou, we promise" Harry reassures.

Louis nods slightly as his door is opened, he steps out and Harry and Scott flag him.

He is led up the stairs to the front entryway and taken through the amazing house to the lounge room where everyone is waiting for him. Louis hides behind Harry and Scott, when they enter the lounge, Harry and Scott are greeted and their guard is let down, Louis watches on as the boys hug each other, he looks towards James and Johanna who are watching him lovingly. He blushes.

The boys then all pull back and their eyes land on Louis.

Louis gets a good look at them all, they are all so handsome, tall, and muscly, they are in suits and look important yet young, they are so beautiful and look so kind. They all look really similar to each other, yet Drew has the same exact hair colour, eye colour and similar cheek bones to Louis.

"Holy shit, it's like looking in a mirror.... you're much cuter than me though" Drew speaks and Louis half smiles.

"Cuter and I'm sure smarter" Edward says and Drew elbows him in response.

"You're still as cute as we remember, although you're not screaming at us which you always used to do" Andy says smiling.

"I did?" Louis asks shyly.

"Yeah, you always had to be next to one of us, never liked to be left out and when you were you used to scream at us" Edward tells him fondly.

"Even when we had school and you didn't, you'd scream to go with us, but at the end of the day you'd always be waiting for us on the driveway to give us a hug when we got home" Drew says.

Harry and Scott, through all the boys joking, can see they are trying to hold back tears of the memories.

"I...." Louis starts.

"It's okay, we don't expect you to remember, you were only little, just know...we never forgot" Drew says kindly.

It's silent for a minute and Louis feels the urge to hug the boys, he doesn't know why but he runs straight into Drew and Drew hugs Louis tightly, like he has been aching to hug him for years.

"I'm sorry" Louis finds himself saying.

Drew picks Louis up and grips him so tightly, there are tears and it's so overwhelming for everyone.

"Don't say sorry kiddo, it's not your fault, we're all here now" Drew tells him.

Louis didn't realise how he's never really felt like this before, safe and loved unconditionally and protected. Louis and his brothers reunite and hug and hold each other tightly.

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