Part Fifteen

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Louis wakes in a panic as a hand is placed over his mouth, it's rough and he instantly knows something is wrong.

"Gotcha, don't make a fucking sound" Jeremy's evil voice tells him.

He's yanked up off the bed harshly and goes to scream but he's held tightly against Jeremy as his hand is once again placed over his mouth.

Louis looks towards the bed and sees Harry and Scott's hands and feet tied, they are completely out, and he sees a needle in one of the men's hands, meaning they've drugged them both. Louis is so scared.

He's picked up, his hands zip tied in front of him, and he's taken to the window. He struggles as best he can but one of the men hands Jeremy a cloth. Jeremy's hand is then replaced with the material, Louis struggles as best he can, but he succumbs to the chemicals and he's out in seconds.


Harry and Scott wake to James and Ben standing over them in a panic.

"Are you two okay" James asks panicked.

Scott groans, his head pounding

"Louis?" Scott manages as his stomach rolls.

"He's been taken" Ben tells them as they begin to cut the ties off them.

"Fuck, we didn't.... what the fuck happened" Harry asks as he stands up, Ben cuts his ties on his hands off and steadies him

"You've been out about half an hour, Charlie and Joey heard noises and came in, they weren't fast enough and Louis was taken through the windows" James says.

Andy then comes rushing into the room with his medical kit, Drew and Edward trailing behind him.

"Are you okay?" Andy says as he steadies Scott.

"I think I'm going to spew" Scott says.

"Sit down, what did they give you?" Andy says as he helps Scott sit on the bed.

"Don't know, I woke up for a second and felt something in my neck" Scott says.

Andy nods and gets to looking over Scott and Harry

"We're sorry James, we didn't even see it coming" Harry says.

"It's not your fault at all Harry, they were tipped off and let in, we just need to figure out by who" James says.

Harry and Scott look to Ben.

"We lost him over Westmead bridge, they are heading south" Ben tells the boys.

"We need to get out there, into the office" Scott says as he stands up.

"You're in no shape to do that boys, you need to rest" Andy tells them.

"We can't, we need him, we need to find him" Harry tells them.

They all stop as Joanna runs into the room; James is quick to comfort her.

"Where is he? Please don't let this happen again please" she pleads, the sorrow and fear in her eyes is harrowing.

Harry and Scott look to everyone, they are clearly distraught, Drew is trying to hide his tears. The boys need to find Louis. Their hearts are aching. They won't let anything happen to him.

"Let's get to work" Harry says as he stands up. He and Scott put t- shirts on and leave the room to figure this all out.

"We promise we will find him" Scott tells them all as he and Harry leave and head towards their boardroom.


Louis wakes up to a thumping headache, his arms are tied in front of him and as he moves, he realises he's on a bed, he notices his leg is chained to the wall behind the bed head. He sits up hurriedly, the room he's in is like a shed, it's small with no windows, just a fan and a chair in the corner.

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