Part Fourteen

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"You look cute in our jumper" Scott tells Louis as he's sitting on their bed watching TV after their shower.

Louis blushes and smiles cutely.

"Are you okay with what happened?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, why, are you not?" Louis asks, slightly worried.

"No, of course we're okay with what happened, we wanted it to happen, very much" Scott says.

"K" Louis says shyly.

"K" Harry smirks

"So, like.... what does it mean what we did and stuff?" Louis asks.

"It're ours now" Harry says, and he kisses Louis on the nose smirking.

Louis laughs

"I like that" Louis says.

"Yeah? You like being ours?" Scott says sexily.

Louis blushes and Scott and Harry chuckle.

"I want to be yours, but.... I'm scared" Louis says.

"Scared?" Scott asks.

"Scared that.... something might happen to you, I'm worried, and I don't want you to get hurt" Louis says.

"We know Lou, we don't want anything to happen to you either" Scott says.

"We are doing everything we can to make sure nothing happens, but we don't want you to worry about any of that" Harry tells him.

Louis sighs, he nods, no matter what anyone says he's still going to worry but he'll just have to deal with it.

That night at dinner Louis is sat between Harry and Scott and the entire family notices the shift in energy and the way the three of them are with each other. Little subtle touches here and there as well as smiles.

"So, Lou, the boys and I were wondering if you wanted to go to the football tomorrow night" Edward asks.

Louis looks at them surprised.

"Like a real football game?" Louis asks.

The boys chuckle.

"Yes, like a real football game" Andy says.

"In the stadium?" Louis asks with a huge smile.

"Yes, well, in the private box, but yes, in the stadium" Drew laughs.

"That would be so awesome" Louis says.

Everyone smiles at Louis' excitement.

"Awesome" Drew says.

"Wait, not alone right, you guys are coming right?" Louis asks as his smile fades.

"Of course! We wouldn't let you go alone don't worry" Andy tells him.

Louis smiles

"Thanks" Louis says.

"There will be media there and when they see you boys out there will be attention on you guys, is that okay Lou, we just don't want you to be blindsided that's all" James says.

"No, I know it's.... okay, I don't mind as long as the boys are there and stuff" Louis says.

"There will also be more security after what happened with Jeremy Lou, we don't want you to not be able to enjoy doing things like this but in order to do that we need a lot of security" Joanna tells him.

Louis nods, knowing it's just something he needs to get used too.

That night Louis falls asleep safe between Harry and Scott, they both can't get enough as they watch him sleep soundly between them.

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