Part Twelve

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When the boys make it back to Louis room, they hear him upset.

"Kiddo, I promise you it will feel much better once I put it back into place, and I'll give you some strong drugs to make you feel better" Andy says lovingly.

He's sitting on the end of the bed while Louis is sitting at the head of the bed, knees to his chest in tears.

"No, please Andy I can't" Louis says shaking his head.

"Honey, Andy will be so gentle, it will be over before you know it" Joanna tries.

"No, please, it hurts so bad" Louis says.

Everyone's hearts just break for Louis, he's in pain but Andy needs to reset his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asks Edward quietly as he and Scott walk into Louis room.

"He won't let anyone near him, his shoulder is really painful, but Andy needs to pop it back into place before it causes more damage, the poor kid is nearly inconsolable" Edward says.

Harry and Scott look to Louis who looks so lost and in pain, they don't even think before their instincts take over and they are by Louis side.

"Hey darling, it's okay, what's wrong hey" Scott says as he moves towards Louis side and up on the bed next to him.

"I don't want it to hurt" Louis says so innocently.

"Oh sweetheart, it's all okay, Andy really needs to put your arm back in place and it won't hurt anymore, once it's done you won't feel the pain you're feeling now" Harry says as he kneels down next to Louis on the side of the bed.

Louis wipes his eyes and shakes his head no

"How's about you cuddle up to Scotty and I'll hold your hand and you can squeeze my hand as hard as you like, we will be right here" Harry says.

Louis sniffs and looks to Harry and then Scott.

"Promise?" Louis asks.

"Pinky promise" Scot and Harry say at the same time.

Louis slowly nods his head in agreement.

"Good job sweetheart" Scott tells him.

Scott maneuvers Louis in between his legs and holds him tightly around the chest and waist. Harry moves next to him and holds his good hand. They then both look to Andy who is standing with Edward and Jo at the end of the bed, they are all holding back smirks and have knowing looks on their faces.

Andy chuckles slightly and comes to sit next to Louis on the opposite side to Harry.

"Alright kiddo, I promise I'll be as gentle as I can and make you really comfortable when I'm done okay" Andy tells him.

Louis just nods, he looks away from his arm as Andy grabs it gently.

"Ahhhh" Louis says as he tries to move away.

Scott holds him tightly.

"Just relax, just relax" Scott tries gently.

"Squeeze my hand darling" Harry says, and Louis does tightly.

"Okay bud, ready....1,2,3" Andy says, and he loudly pops Louis arm into place.

"Aghhhhh fuck Ahhhh" Louis moans out in pain.

"It's alright, it's over now Lou" Harry says.

"You did a great job Lou, breathe darling" Scott says. Louis tries to relax and get his breath back.

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