Part Ten

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The papers the next morning are all over the table when Louis enters the dining room for breakfast. James told him to expect this, but to see his name all over the papers is another thing.

Everyone is already in the dining room, and they look at Louis as he enters, Louis can instantly tell something is wrong.

"What's the matter?" He asks as he stops in the doorway.

He sees everyone dressed already in suits and ties, Louis always has his breakfast in his pyjamas, liking to change and shower after breakfast.

No one says anything and Louis moves towards the table and picks up just one of the many tabloids scattered about. The headline is all about Louis and the pictures splashed across the front cover are of him at yesterday's event. What he didn't expect though, was the article to be about a certain mark Louis hadn't even noticed on his left arm. There is article after article speculating Louis had been kidnapped and tortured and that's why he was missing.

Louis knows the bruise came from Jeremy, he just didn't notice how bad the bruise that Jeremy had given him was, no one else seemed to notice either, but the photos on the table show the bruise in the clear shape of fingers, red and angry.

"Louis..." Johanna starts gently.

"I.... wha?" Louis looks up distraught.

"It's okay kiddo, the media does this, we expected them to spin something" Andy says.

"It will blow over Lou, we just have to wait it out unfortunately" James says.

Louis just sighs and nods, it goes silent and the elephant in the room is loud.

"Lou" Drew starts

"It's nothing I was just clumsy" Louis says knowing what they want to ask, he avoids eye contact with everyone.

Everyone looks at each other, like they want to disagree, but they also don't want to push Louis.

"Okay darling, just.... if you want to talk about anything, just know we're all here for you okay" Johanna speaks up.

Louis just nods, he wants to get away from everyone now before he messes up and says something about Jeremy.

"I'm just going to skip breakfast" Louis says.

"Lou, we promise everything's okay" Edward says.

"I...know, I'm just not hungry" Louis says.

"We all have meetings and work today honey, so Harry and Scott will be with you today if you need to go anywhere" Joanna says.

"Okay, like, am I allowed to leave or like, I'm not sure what I'm allowed to do" Louis says uneasy, and everyone smiles fondly.

"You're allowed to go out Honey, just make sure Harry and Scott are with you at all times. They have access to all your money so can pay for everything you need" Joanna says smiling.

"Money? I.... I don't want to spend your money; I can get a job" Louis says.

"All in good time kiddo, don't worry about that now" James says.

"You're our son Louis, our money is your money, and I won't hear another word about it" Joanna says to the point yet fondly.

"I do have some good news Lou, I had the call from London Elite University this morning, and you can start your degree next month" James says happily.

"Wait really?" Louis asks surprised.

"Really" James smiles brightly and Louis responds with a big smile.

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