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Yn pov

It had been many years sense I left remnant to join the jedi order I couldn't wait to go home

I climbed out of my tie intercepter and made my way towards the log cabin with the flower garden out front

I knocked on the doorway and Summer answered the door

Summer: can I help you

Yn: I'm not surprised you don't recognize me

I held out my two wedding rings which were attached to a necklace

Summer: so you killed my husband and now you're rubbing it in my face

Yn: sum its me

Summer eyes widened in surprise before jumping into my arms I held her close but one question remained were was Raven

Summer: the girls are going to be so excited to see you again

Yn: I don't know about that I did abandon them for half of their lives

Summer: I'm sure they'll understand their your daughter's after all

Yn: that's what I'm afraid of

Summer: oh don't be like that yn I'm sure everything will turn out alright

Yn: Sum weres Rae

Summer: she suddenly left and never came home

Yn: Sum what is it your not telling me

Summer: she went back to her tribe she leads them now

Yn: let's go see are girls I'll need the distraction we'll talk about this later

End of prologue

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