chapter 23 a new Padawan Learner and painting the town

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Yn pov

I sat in Shin Hati hospital room as she began to awaken from her drug induced slumber She slowly opened her eyes

Shin: were am I how am I alive

Yn: I healed you and I took you to the Vale hospital for treatment

Shin: weres my master

Yn: he ran like the coward he is

Shin: what happens to me now

Yn: I take you home with me and I Train you best I can Shin

Shin: you'd Train me in the way of the jedi even though I'm a dark jedi

Yn: and I was once a dark lord of the sith but I found my Redemption and now I can help you find yours

Shin: thanks for everything master ln

Yn: this is my second chance at training a Padawan learner and I am not going to fail this time

My scroll began ringing I answered it to hear my daughters calling for back up

I quickly got to my feet and left the hospital and made way towards the highway I saw my daughters fighting off a atlas paladin I ignited my white Lightsaber and jumped down atop the paladin

I slashed off the paladin right arm i jumped off the mech and reached out my hand and used force crush the atlas paladin began to crush on the paladin

Roman jumped out of the paladin and started cleaning himself off

Yang shoots a bullet at Roman Torchwick only for a girl wearing white and pink clothing and pink and brown hair brown and pink eyes

Roman: it's been fun but it's time for me to take my leave lady's ice queen

Yang charges forward and slammed her fist into Roman causing him to shatter into shards of glass Roman and the girl disappeared into the distance

Yang: i guess he got a new henchmen

Weiss: I guess he made our plans fall apart

Yang: no just no

Weiss: I was just trying to be funny

Yang: their is a time and place for jokes

Weiss: was this not the time

Yang: no it just wasn't very good

Weiss: atleast I'm trying

Yn: girls We need to have a word

Team RWBY: yes professor ln

We walked inside my office inside beacon academy it was time for a much needed conversation

Yn: do you know how much danger you brought to the innocent Civilian on the highway

Ruby: we were just trying to stop Roman Torchwick

Yn: your not to do this again

Yang: but dad we were just trying to help

Yn: you need a huntsman to help you in your war against the threats against remnant

Weiss: we handled it well

Blake: we just thought we'd do our best to help

Yn: well you have found yourself a huntsman

Ruby: thanks dad

Yn: just stay out of trouble from now on

Team RWBY: yes Professor Ln

Team RWBY headed back towards their dormitories and yn sat down legs crossed and began meditating he knew that everything was about to change whether they were ready for it or not

The last thing we see is Mara Jade walking through the streets of vale late at night with her hand on her hilt of her Lightsaber everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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