chapter 21 a dark jedi and his Padawan learner

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Yn pov

I walked through the streets of vale late at night I suddenly felt a two dark presences approaching my location I ignited my Lightsaber my white blade shined in the shadows

I saw two figures with orange colored Lightsabers with dark cloaks on their shoulders approaching me from the shadows

Yn: Baylan Skoll it's been a long time I see you have gotten a apprentice

Baylan: I see you have fallen from grace from your sith master

Yn: no I found my way home

???: my master was right about you

Yn: what's your name little one

???: I'm Shin Hati

Yn: well your master doesn't know everything he'll betray you sooner or later he wants only one thing to destroy the force completely

Shin: well he said you were a traitor you wiped out your entire order and now your nothing

Yn: that's true but theirs still a chance for you to save yourself

Baylan: she's not going to listen to you Yn

Shin: I'll never betray my master

Yn: your loyalty to him will be your downfall

Baylan: you've grown weak yn you don't deserve your happy ending

Baylen Skoll and Shin Hati charged forward and I blocked their lighsaber blades

We fought across the streets of Vale I disarmed Shin Hatate and I struck Shin Hati away from me I raised my Lightsaber over her head ready to strike her down but I lowered my Lightsaber and and aimed it at Baylen

Yn: I won't allow you to currupt her anymore you don't deserve to be have a Padawan

Beylan: you can't even strike a enemy when they are down you are weak Yn

Yn: Shin Hati isn't my enemy you are

Me and Baylan clashed blades he knocked the Lightsaber out of my hands he Kicked me to the floor and motioned for Shin Hatate to approach me she raised her Lightsaber over her head ready to strike me down

Baylan: kill him

Yn: he's deceiving you don't you see what he's made you become

Baylan: I said kill him

Shin: no I won't kill him

Baylan went in for a final strike only for Shin Hati to block the blade he thrust his Lightsaber blade through her gut before ripping it free

Yn called his Lightsaber to his hand and locked blades with Baylan giving into his rage he impaled Baylan Skoll through the gut and he ripped it free Baylan Skoll fell to the ground seemingly lifeless

Yn ran over towards Shin Hati and held her close he as he used the force to seal her wound and he picked her up and carried towards the nearest hospital

He layed Shin Hati on a hospital gurney as he watched her be lead away for emergency surgery

Yn went back to the sight of the battle to see Baylan Skoll had disappeared he looked up to the sky to see a ship flying out of remnants aphmosphree

Yn: your coward Baylan Skoll run all you want next time we meet you won't heal clean

I walked back to the hospital it was time for me to train a new Padawan learner her journey had truly begun

The last thing we see is Baylan Skoll sitting in a bacta tank as his starfighter took him back Imperial remnant space and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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