chapter 22 the price of betrayal and Maul killer falls from grace

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Maul killer pov

I was walking through the forest of forever fall tracking a all to familar sos from a crashed ship I quickly made my way into the ship only for a red bladed Lightsaber to be ignited in the darkness and slashed at my neck

I jumped back and ignited my twin crimson red Lightsabers I clashed with the cloaked figure

Emperor Palpatine: you have grown much since you killed me but you have to realize I have defeated death itself

Maul killer: no I earned the title of dark lord of the sith you died a weak old man

Emperor Palpatine: I think it's time for you to learn your final lesson apprentice we shall battle till only one of us is left standing

Maul killer: if you want my life come and take it

We clashed back and forth across the the ship i was force pushed across the ramp and flew into a tree I groaned in annoyance and quickly got to my feet and released a blast of force lightening knocking Emperor Palpatine back he dropped his Lightsaber and absorbed my force lightening like it didn't even phase him

Emperor Palpatine: you have failed my apprentice and now you will face the consequences

His force lightening overcame me within seconds fell to the ground in agony I screamed out in pain

Maul killer: mercy master mercy I beg you

Emperor Palpatine: oh I have no reason to kill you I have a plan for you

Force lightening surged through my body until I fell into darkness cold embrace

A woman wearing a black clothes and red hair walked up to Emperor Palpatine and kneeled before him

???: what is thy bidding my master

Emperor Palpatine: rise Mara Jade my Emperors Hand your to go after Yn ln and eliminate him because he has become a great threat to my plans

Mara: yes master it will be done

The last thing we see is Emperor Palpatine standing above maul killer as Imperial gaurds dragged him into their secret imperial base in forever fall forest and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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