chapter 17 a rescue at Schnee manor and the death of Jaques Schnee

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Yn pov

I flew through the air in my tie intercepter towards the entrance of Schnee manor I landed outside the front gate I climbed out of my tie intercepter

I used Force push to blast the gate open and I made my way into the courtyard

I walked towards the front door and used the force to unlock the doorway

I made my way into the Schnee manor I walked towards the garden were I saw Willow Schnee drinking her sorrows away

Yn: Mrs Schnee I'm a friend of Qrows I've come to bring you home

Willow: your a friend of Qrows how do I know for sure you're telling the truth

Yn: ask me a question only Qrow would know

Willow: what's his favorite drink

Yn: hard whiskey

Willow: you really are Qrows friend we can't leave without my son

Jaques: leaving so soon Willow

Yn turned around to see Jaques holding a revolver to Whitley head

Willow: let him go Jaques

Jaques: you think I'd let you leave so easily

Whitley: father what have I done wrong

Yn: let him go or I will kill you your choice

I thrust out my hand and Jaques let go of Whitley and grabbed at his throat

Whitley ran into his mother arms and I dropped Jaques to the ground

Jaques let go of his throat and I turned my back only for Jaques to fire a shot at Willow which I sent back with a movement of my hand

Blood began pooling onto his suit and he fell to the ground lifeless

Whitley cried into his mother's shirt I began to lead Willow and Whitley to the front gate were a happy Qrow awaited them

Willow ran into Qrows arms and began to breakdown into tears

Qrows: everything will be alright snowflake your free now

Whitley looks at his mother in surprise before running into his mother's arms

Police sirens began blaring and we made our escape into the night everything would be alright

The last thing we see is general ironwood standing over the body of Jaques Schnee he began to wonder who could be responsible for killing the ceo of the Schnee dust company and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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