chapter 11 old friend and warnings for the future

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Yn pov

I was meditating for what seemed like hours when I felt a familar presences entering remnants aphomospere I slowly got to my feet and walked into the woods of patch

A familar jedi star fighter landed in the middle of the forest clearing and a familar figure appears out of the jedi star fighter

Yn: hey snips miss me

Ashoka: it's good to see you again yn

Yn: what are you doing here

Ashoka: I have come to warn you that Emperor Palpatine lives again and he's much more powerful than he was before

Yn: thanks for the warning snips i already had a feeling that it couldn't be that easy

Ashoka: be careful Yn may the force be with you

Yn: hey snips how would you like to meet my children you are in someway their aunt sense I see you as my little sister

Ashoka: I would love to meet them just name the time and place

Yn: stop by anytime you wish snips your always welcome in my home remember that

Ashoka: thanks I appreciate that

I made my way back towards my log cabin I walked inside and disappeared inside

The last thing we see is Emperor Palpatine sitting in a throne in Salems castle in the Grimm realm everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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