chapter 2 a chance to save

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Summer pov

I stood in the middle of beacon academy infirmary watching my husband lay their with his burned and scarred body

Yang: mom I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kill him I was just so angry

Summer: their is nothing we can do about it now

Professor Ozpin: I have a way to save your husband

Summer: what do you mean

Professor Ozpin: atlas has been working on nano bots that can restore a person's vital organs and revitalize their burned body

Summer: what are the chances of this succeeding

Professor Ozpin: eighty to a hundred

Summer: do it

The nurse injected the nano bots into Yn veins on his stump of a arm

His skin began to heal and his vital organs began to heal and hair began to grow on his head

The old prosthetic limbs were replaced with new ones as the surgery was over Professor Ozpin walked over to Summer and Ruby and Yang

Professor Ozpin: the surgery was a success

Summer: can we see him

Professor Ozpin: of course

Summer entered the room with Ruby and Yang

Summer: yn how are you feeling

Yn: I feel better than I ever felt

Ruby: your not going to die are you dad

Yn: not anytime soon petal Summer would you take Ruby out of the room I need a word with Yang

Summer: of course

Summer and Ruby exited the room and Yang hesitantly approached her father yn just gave her a kind smile

Yang: dad I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kill you I just was so angry

Yn: I don't blame you for attacking me I basically abandoned you and I left you behind

Yang: you mean your not mad at me

Yn: I couldn't be mad at my sunny little dragon

Yang hugged yn hugged her back they broke apart when Ruby ran into the room

Ruby: Yang were late for class

Yang: oh crap we better get going will you be here when we get back

Yn: I'm not going anywhere anytime soon

Ruby and Yang ran out of the room headed off to their next class

The last thing we see is a red eyed raven sitting on the window cil of the beacon academy infirmary watching yn from afar before flying off into the distance and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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