chapter 9 a new member of the family

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Yn pov

I made my way into vale I walked past a pet store and I walked inside I saw a black and white colored corgi I approached the front desk

Shop keep: can I help you sir

Yn: I would like to adopt that corgi

Shop keep: he's been here for a long time it'll be hard to see him go

Yn: don't worry my family will take great care of him

Shop keep: here are adoption papers for you to sign while I get him ready to leave

I signed the paperwork and decided his name would be zwei the Shopkeep reappeared with zwei trotting happly towards me

I bent down towards zwei and let him smell me and he barked happly the shop keep gave zwei one final pet before we walked of into the city

I got into my parked car and drove off towards patch were I knew summer was in for quite a surprise

I parked my car next to my house i picked up zwei and placed him on the grass I unlocked the front door and walked inside

Summer: yn is that you

Yn: yes sum could you come to the living room I have a surprise for you

Summer walked into the room and looked at the dog in front of her she immediately picked up zwei and began holding him close

Summer: you got us a dog thank you thank you what is his name

Yn: his name is zwei

Summer: welcome to the family zwei

The last thing we see is a Imperial ship landing nearby the abandoned warehouse Emperor Palpatine has arrived and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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