chapter 14 the little rose and the sunny little dragons secrets revealed

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Yn pov

I walked into beacon academy and made my way towards the garden were summer was spying on our daughters

Ruby and Yang were sitting on two different benches I noticed that Weiss was laying on Ruby's shoulder while Blake was laying on Yangs

Yn: so sum your spying on our daughters now are you

Summer: yn what are you doing here

Yn: catching you in the act of spying on our daughters

Summer: are daughters are dating how can I be any happier

Ruby: mom and dad what are you doing here

Yn: well I was coming to visit you and I caught your mom spying on you and your friends

Yang: you were spying on us mom

Blake: it's okay Yang it would've gotten out anyway

Weiss: we should've told them a long time ago you dolt

Ruby: mom and dad I'm dating Weiss

Yang: mom and dad I'm dating Blake

Yn: you two better not break their hearts or I'll make you wish you were never born

Blake and Weiss gulped nervously before nodding theirs heads in acceptance

Summer: yn don't go scaring them off just yet I want to know all the details

Summer walked off with Blake and Weiss and Ruby and Yang looked on with worry for their girlfriends sanity

Ruby: that won't end well

Yang: nope not at all

Yn: surely your mother won't do anything drastic will she

A few minutes passed and Blake and Weiss walked back towards their girlfriends with their faces white as a ghost

Blake: your mother is scary Yang

Yang: I don't doubt it

Weiss: Ruby I don't think I can look at your mother the same way ever again

Ruby: I know right she's scarey when she's serious

Yn: don't I know it

Summer: what was that yn

Yn: nothing dear

Summer: I thought so

Yang: see even dad is afraid of mom when she's serious

Ruby: I wonder if he's okay

Yang: he'll be fine little sister

Yn: girls get help

Ruby: sorry dad

Yang: better you then us

Summer snuck up behind yn and waited for the right moment to enter the conversation and to interrupt the conversation and bring him home for a bit of fun

Yn: no don't leave me alone with her when she's like this oh hey sum

Summer walked up to his right side and she grabbed him by his ear and began leading him away from beacon academy

Summer: come on honey let's go home

Yn: yes dear

Ruby and Yang walked away with their girlfriends in tow as Summer dragged a terrified yn behind her to the bullhead port he was in for one hell of a night

The last thing we see is Maul killer walking through vale with Neopoliton by his side he knew that everything was about to change and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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