chapter 18 taking the throne of a lost empire and death is defeated once more

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Maul killer pov

I walked into my master's quarters and I pulled my twin Lightsabers from my sides and slowly approached the asleep Emperor Palpatine

I ignited my twin Lightsabers and jumped into the air and brought them down on the asleep Emperor Palpatine

I felt emperor Palpatine soul leaving his body I deactivated my twin Lightsabers and made my way out of the shadows of my old masters quarters

I made my way towards the middle of the Salems castle I made my towards the throne room

I saw Cinder bowing before Salem I walked up to Salem and took a seat at my masters old throne

Salem gave me a wary expression before giving me a look of approval

Salem: it seems that the apprentice has become the master

Cinder: you killed your master as powerful as he is how

Maul killer: I killed him in his sleep

Hazel: that's the cowards way you killed him in his sleep

Watts: but it is affective

Tyrian: even I wouldn't kill a target in their sleep I prefer a actual fight

Maul killer: I am the dark lord of the sith it is the way of the sith a master embody the power and a apprentice to crave it soon I will take my own apprentice and the cycle will continue again

Cinder: then you'll need a powerful apprentice

Maul killer: and it won't be you

Cinder: why not me

Maul killer: because you don't have the power of the force thus your useless to me

Cinder: you dare turn me away from such power

Maul killer: your nothing but a leach that hungers for power

Cinder: your going to regret ever turning me down as your apprentice

Salem raised her arm to silence Cinder who writhed and contorted on the ground

Salem: tonight everything changes

The last thing we see is a cloning tube in a exagul cloning facility a clone of Emperor Palpatine opens his eyes and began laughing sinisterly as it seemed everything was going just as he had forseen and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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