chapter 6 the price of failure

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Maul killer pov

I walked into a secluded room and turned on my comlink and a younger emperor Palpatine stood before me

Maul killer: master I apologize for being unable to best your former apprentice

Emperor Palpatine: I should've known you'd be unable to best him he's grown stronger sense I last saw him when he killed me I should've expected this

Maul killer: he wasn't wearing his armor he was completely healed how is that possible

Emperor Palpatine: nothing is impossible my apprentice

Maul killer: yes my master what is our next move

Emperor Palpatine: you work with Cinder and her master Salem until the time is right

Maul killer: yes my master

Emperor Palpatine: now for your punishment

Maul killer felt himself start to shake uncontrollable he fell to the floor in pain

Maul killer: master please

Emperor Palpatine: don't worry I won't kill you I still have a plan for you my apprentice

The comlink went dark and Maul killer went still on the ground

Maul killer slowly got to his feet and picked up his comlink and made his way out into the hallway Roman gave him a slight cocky smirk

Roman: you got punished huh tough luck kid

Maul killer: shut up before I flay you alive

Roman: well you shouldn't trust a man like that in the first place he'll betray you

Maul killer: that is the way of the sith I'll find my own apprentice and then I'll challenge my master for the right to rule and the cycle will continue

Roman: whatever you need to tell yourself kiddo

Maul killer walked away from Roman with a annoyed expression his face he wouldn't fail again yn ln would be his ascenen to the sith

The last thing we see is a star destroyer floating above remnant Emperor Palpatine had returned and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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