chapter 8 dark forces at play

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Maul killer pov

I walked through the streets of vale late at night I walked into a dust shop along with white Fang members

Maul killer: give us what we want and you may live to tell the story

Shop keep: alright just take the dust and leave

Maul killer: your pathetic I don't know why you even bother to exist

Maul killer held out his hand in a choking motion and the shop keep grabbed at his throat

Shop keep: please don't kill me

Maul killer slammed the shop keep into the wall of the store knocking him unconsciously

White Fang lieutenant: what were you thinking you could've killed him

Maul killer: what do you care he's a traitor to your kind

White Fang lieutenant: we don't need to alert huntsman and huntresses to our crimes

Maul killer: just grab the dust so we can get out of here

White Fang lieutenant: whatever you want to tell yourself

Maul killer stood staring out the window watching the citzens of vale walking through the streets none the wiser of what was going on around them

Maul killer knew that soon Emperor Palpatine would reveal himself and then the war would truly begin

The last thing we see is Emperor Palpatine standing in front of a viewing port looking down at the planet of remnant everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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